Hi everyone, how are you guys doing? I’m doing very fine, just a lil bit heart broken 💔 but, that happens..
just wanted to share with you guys, a cute story, about 3 black kitties that I found on my garden a few weeks ago 🙃
So, as a said, I found those baby cats on my garden and they were like a lil bit sick (with a type of flue) and they were so small, I needed to take care of them like their mommy cat, with a specific type of milk and stuff.. was hard, but really gratifying for me. See them getting stronger and bigger. My idea was to raise them until they stop drinking milk and then give them to foster families.
I started to get attached to this little furry ball called Oreo. I almost adopted him, but I have 5 cats already and adopt another cat would stress my cats a lot and I live in a small apartment with more 2 dogs and my family. I struggled a lot, but need to do what I needed to…
Oreo, Bono & Negresco.
They are now in a temporary home while they don’t get adopted. Just one of them is in a permanent home for now, but they will be very happy and healthy cats! Was a really good and lovely experience for me. Wish everyone could experience it!
Do you guys had ever experienced something like that? Let me know in the comments ❤️
with love,
Felline <3