My little rant here....
Having travelled overseas, Ive always tried to do my bit to avoid giving the ugly American image any more credence than it already deserves. However in light of recent events I think it might be best to just fall back on the old No, Im Canadian, actually approach.
Were a nation of idiots. Our leaders have long been speaking of 9/11 and Iraq in the same breath. Bush has called Iraq the frontline in the war on terror. Poll after poll have shown a good majority of the American public thus conencting the two. Iraq was behind 9/11. Now our leaders are being forced to say No, Iraq was not behind 9/11.
Try to step outside of the borders of this country and look in. How does this look? Imagine it happening in another country. Chances are youd think they were a bunch of sheep unable to think for themselves.
But still...Cheney yet attempts to make a connection. Some al-Quaida operative was in Baghdad a while ago. Big fucking deal. 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, a nation we graciously arm. But they KNOW most Americans cant get beyond the sports page. They KNOW were generally ignorant. They KNOW if the Saudi conenctions arent mentioned, no one will be the wiser. And keep just a hint of that Iraq-9/11 connection, the public will stand behind what America is doing in Iraq. A few body bags will be worth the cost.
Id just like to see people read. Get news from a few foreign sources, avoid Fox. Who really gives a fuck about Ben Affleck and J Lo? In 10 or 20 years, these events will be notorious. You will read books documenting it and go Geez, I just didnt know. Educate yourself. Nothing is more dangerous than an educated mind. Fact-check...virtually everything out of this administrations mouthpiece can be shown to be a distortion, if not a flat-out lie. Or there is simply no evidence to back up what they claim.
If you dont want to be active, at least be aware.
Having travelled overseas, Ive always tried to do my bit to avoid giving the ugly American image any more credence than it already deserves. However in light of recent events I think it might be best to just fall back on the old No, Im Canadian, actually approach.
Were a nation of idiots. Our leaders have long been speaking of 9/11 and Iraq in the same breath. Bush has called Iraq the frontline in the war on terror. Poll after poll have shown a good majority of the American public thus conencting the two. Iraq was behind 9/11. Now our leaders are being forced to say No, Iraq was not behind 9/11.
Try to step outside of the borders of this country and look in. How does this look? Imagine it happening in another country. Chances are youd think they were a bunch of sheep unable to think for themselves.
But still...Cheney yet attempts to make a connection. Some al-Quaida operative was in Baghdad a while ago. Big fucking deal. 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, a nation we graciously arm. But they KNOW most Americans cant get beyond the sports page. They KNOW were generally ignorant. They KNOW if the Saudi conenctions arent mentioned, no one will be the wiser. And keep just a hint of that Iraq-9/11 connection, the public will stand behind what America is doing in Iraq. A few body bags will be worth the cost.
Id just like to see people read. Get news from a few foreign sources, avoid Fox. Who really gives a fuck about Ben Affleck and J Lo? In 10 or 20 years, these events will be notorious. You will read books documenting it and go Geez, I just didnt know. Educate yourself. Nothing is more dangerous than an educated mind. Fact-check...virtually everything out of this administrations mouthpiece can be shown to be a distortion, if not a flat-out lie. Or there is simply no evidence to back up what they claim.
If you dont want to be active, at least be aware.
Anyway, incase you do see this...... Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year mate