At lunch today I got to try a Japanese snack thingy. It had the consistency of dry spackling paste, and a flavor not far from that as well. It was meant to taste like mango, but it tasted more like spackling paste.

Had fun last night making rounds at Psycho Suzi's, Triple Rock (and saw a bizarre Canadian duo called 'Canned Hamm') and topped it...
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Cheers for your mail mate biggrin Nice to see you posting frequently on here again - i hope you stick around !
yeah so it's been friggin' ages since I've been on here. Been well out of touch but generally quite happy (barring the arctic weather). It has been good for making the cats very electrically charged, and so they make pretty sparks when I pet them in the dark! I bet it'd look WAY cool with night-vision goggles!

I have found Psycho Suzi's very addicting...it will...
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Wahey! biggrin
Nice to have you back mate. Where the hell have ya been?
I recently went through a bout of depression (which you could read all about if you page back through my journal, although i maybe wouldn't advise it!). This caused me to leave SG alone for a month or two, but i'm gradually getting into the swing of things again.
Hopefully, if my lottery numbers come up soon, i'll be coming over to visit you for some serious beer and punk rock biggrin
Take care dude, and i hope ya stick around !
My little rant here....
Having travelled overseas, Ive always tried to do my bit to avoid giving the ugly American image any more credence than it already deserves. However in light of recent events I think it might be best to just fall back on the old No, Im Canadian, actually approach.
Were a nation of idiots. Our leaders have long been speaking of 9/11...
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*poke* *runs away*
Hey mate, hope everythings ok with you? You ain't been on here for far too long now frown.
Anyway, incase you do see this...... Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year mate biggrin
Ahhh....went to see the Vibrators last night at the Triple Rock. A very good time was had. But sadly far too few of the local old fogies showed up. I am relishing my coffee this morning. The fog in my cranium is fading. I'll go home, take a nap, get up, and likely go to the TR again.
Hardcore Cider-it's the best form of vitamin...
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It's cold days like this I have nice memories of being a kid and going on roadtrips with my family. We'd be driving at night and I'd be in the back seat snuggled under blankets. I knew it was really cold out, especially speeding down the highway. But I was all warm and cozy under the blankets. In my own little world. Drifting off to...
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Cannot fault Europeans in their brutal honesty. Was going to go out for a drink with a co-worker from Germany. I run into her at the end of the day. She says (in a good German accent) "I'm sorry, I've just started menstruating and I am going home and getting into the bath."

Hey, well that's a little more than I needed to know but...
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A bath and a nap sound pretty nice right about now. smile
shit... that sux! Honesty's a good thing though.
Started the day out with a flat tire. Well, I guess plowing through a bunch of hard-packed snow on the side of the road came first. Then the flap-flap-flap noise shortly thereafter. Better than pal Erin, though. I drove her to get her car from the impound lot. I may have talked another friend into doing a photoshoot and possibly becoming an SG. Hope so...I...
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Yes, I'm lame. I DID go to Luce last night but got side-tracked by all my mates fueling up for the gig across the street. Some I'd not seen in awhile. Watched near-retirement people look all disgusted and talking in hushed tones while tracing out the patterns of Norman's face tattoos with their fingers on their own face. Made plans with Annie to go see...
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we'll forgive you .... this time!
A very fun time last night. Betsy greeted me at her place with candles and nice music while sporting a slinky black dress. We danced and played then got ready for the party. But before we left she gave me a real human skull she 'acquired'. Very cool. Then off to the party. The place was decked out in red and bits of colorful paper...
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Tonight is a Chinese New Year's party, year of the water goat or something. I'm a goat according to the placemats at Chinese restaurants, and Betsy, being a full cycle younger, is also a goat. Bonfire and beverages. And a very adorable goat. Will be nice.
Browsed the Walker last night. Always run into friends there (2 of whom would be prime SG candidates) and...
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well hello there. i think i know you. wink how ya been? its been awhile since we've spoke.
whenever you can get me the print would be nice. but dont feel rushed
nice choice in fave film. i love lock, stock and 2 smoking barrels. its great fucking film and they say *fuck* or *fucking* about every 5 secs. i had to turn the subtitles on actually to understand what they were saying because of their accents.
talk to ya later.
Bev and Edna's current mouse tally: 3 (perhaps another couple out of sight but not out of smell)
Sat and read 'The Soft Machine' at the Triple Rock last night for a bit. Ol' Bill was one weird-ass guy.
Boss is out today so I should work on Heather's celtic cat tattoo design. And maybe do some actual WORK work. Maybe

Christ....I work with this...
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