Just sitting at home while everyone goes to Static X tonight.... working early and having to be responcible for everyone there at 5am is a bummer some times. smile I hope everyone has a blast and I can't wait to hear the stories cause with that bunch there will be a couple. eeek
On the whole I don't mind them, it was just the leaping at me part that scared me.
Oddly, larger snakes weird me out less than tiny ones. These were pretty smalls, since that's all we get around here. The one that jumped was a garter snake. I don't know what the other one was. But like. . .Boas and pythons don't really bother me at all, even though they would be happy to make a meal of me.
You mean like the all girl mosh pit, and me getting clocked hard enought to ring my bell a little? Now that is odd. tongue

Ok.....I went to see Land of the Dead yesterday.

In the traditional "clasic" zombie movie sence it was a little dissapointing. They die way too easy...too many guns and blowing up stuff.... and in the clasic sence you are not to feel bad for the zombies.

In the "I know nothing about clasic zombie movies "sence it was a very fun 2 hours. Great special...
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Ok.....I have decided that having to be at work at 5am is not the funest thing in the world. I have friends on the west coast that are just going to bed! Adult Swim is still on TV....there is just something awfully wrong with that. Hope everyone has a great morning....
i cant imagine going to work and watching adult swim beforehand it just seems so....bleh
Your just pissy cause you don't actually watch the adult swim cartoons and want to be watching the "Saturday Morning" stuff before work! tongue tongue tongue
Ok....just got back from a 8 hour road trip to and from Roswell, NM. I had a blast....aliens EVERYWHERE!!!!!!! Long drive but great company...from name that song to cows done up like poodles....
Glad to had a blast. I always wanted to see Roswell. It seems like a cool place.
Should have gotten a pic of the cow/poodle hybrid!
Just thought I would drop in and check things out before starting my ever so fun day off....which means that I will be playing catch up on everything I didn't get to do during the rest of the week. Hope everyone has a great day! wink
Ok...It's my first day on and I am already having technical problems. LOL. I guess I am not as computer savvy as I thought I was. smile
nice iris (I checked out your pix ... reoww.

BTW, it's the usual thing to comment in the other person's journal if they leave a comment you feel like responding to.

But have fun.
Nice to have you join, it took me a little while to get going. If you would like to correspond drop me a line.