Ok, time to start getting more to the meat of this blog
I plan on using this as a way to filet my soul and come to terms with my search for who I am.
First, a little bio:
Born back in the dark ages, yes 1972, in Easley, South Carolina. A small, southern town with a population around seventeen thousand. It neighbors a larger city that I now live in, Greenville.
I have an older sister, (3 years older). She has been a big influence in my life. My father is a Dr & my mom stayed at home for most of my youth. We lived in a nice colonial style house built in 1900 for the first 11 years of my life. My parents spent most of their free time renovating it as it was a bit of a disaster when they bought it.
In the first grade I got into a little trouble see I had a math test, addition and subtraction. Well, I liked the addition part, and aced it, as for the subtraction, well I erased the questions. Fair enough right? lol, well that got me put into "remedial" class for about a quarter of the day. I was in the room with the kids that could not spell their own names and such. Lovely I know. I stayed in their through elementary school.
In the second grade, my teacher was also my Sunday school teacher Oh joy! I was placed in a refrigerator box in the front of the class, so that I would not be a distraction to the other kids. (Wonder how much time she would get for that these days lol.) I also got my head stuck in my desk, but we will save that for another day.
In middle school I was in about 35% remedial classes. Keep in mind my I.Q. tested at 132. (Not that I put much stock in those tests.) My parents decided I was not getting the kind of help I needed and started looking for a private school. After a long search they found one in Atlanta GA, Dunwoody to be exact.
Now about the students were there for the one on one classes and the other half was there for discipline problems and had been to several other schools. I started for the first and quickly became a poster boy for the latter.
Well, after years of testing I was finally diagnosed with ADHD, Attention Deficit with Hypo activity. A much less common diagnosis that it's ever popular hyperactive cousin. Well, with the help of a little Ritalin I went from Cs & Ds, to As & Bs.
Went to collage at a very nice private school here in South Carolina. One that enjoys stately reputation. All my life "my" goal was to go to college. Almost no thought was put into life after school and any sort of professional occupation. Thus with my Degree in Sociology, minors in Psychology and History, and around $3.50 I can get a coffee.
Bartended, some in college, some after. Met the wrong girl who I fell head over heals for who turned out to be none of the things she said she was. Of course, after 3 months we were engaged and after 6 we were married.
/sigh This is all for the first installment. More to come later.
I plan on using this as a way to filet my soul and come to terms with my search for who I am.
First, a little bio:
Born back in the dark ages, yes 1972, in Easley, South Carolina. A small, southern town with a population around seventeen thousand. It neighbors a larger city that I now live in, Greenville.
I have an older sister, (3 years older). She has been a big influence in my life. My father is a Dr & my mom stayed at home for most of my youth. We lived in a nice colonial style house built in 1900 for the first 11 years of my life. My parents spent most of their free time renovating it as it was a bit of a disaster when they bought it.
In the first grade I got into a little trouble see I had a math test, addition and subtraction. Well, I liked the addition part, and aced it, as for the subtraction, well I erased the questions. Fair enough right? lol, well that got me put into "remedial" class for about a quarter of the day. I was in the room with the kids that could not spell their own names and such. Lovely I know. I stayed in their through elementary school.
In the second grade, my teacher was also my Sunday school teacher Oh joy! I was placed in a refrigerator box in the front of the class, so that I would not be a distraction to the other kids. (Wonder how much time she would get for that these days lol.) I also got my head stuck in my desk, but we will save that for another day.
In middle school I was in about 35% remedial classes. Keep in mind my I.Q. tested at 132. (Not that I put much stock in those tests.) My parents decided I was not getting the kind of help I needed and started looking for a private school. After a long search they found one in Atlanta GA, Dunwoody to be exact.
Now about the students were there for the one on one classes and the other half was there for discipline problems and had been to several other schools. I started for the first and quickly became a poster boy for the latter.
Well, after years of testing I was finally diagnosed with ADHD, Attention Deficit with Hypo activity. A much less common diagnosis that it's ever popular hyperactive cousin. Well, with the help of a little Ritalin I went from Cs & Ds, to As & Bs.
Went to collage at a very nice private school here in South Carolina. One that enjoys stately reputation. All my life "my" goal was to go to college. Almost no thought was put into life after school and any sort of professional occupation. Thus with my Degree in Sociology, minors in Psychology and History, and around $3.50 I can get a coffee.
Bartended, some in college, some after. Met the wrong girl who I fell head over heals for who turned out to be none of the things she said she was. Of course, after 3 months we were engaged and after 6 we were married.
/sigh This is all for the first installment. More to come later.
I appreciate your feedback and you are totally right. Everytime that's ever happened before I just get stunned and terrified and I don't say a word and they keep badgering me until one of us is out of sight. Then I can't stop thinking about it no matter how hard I try, and by the end of the day I have the perfect one liner that would not only shut them up but radically chagne their worldview and have them eating out of my hand. ha... yeah... in the movies, like you said.
But after some liquor and a bad night, it only takes small provocation to hear my wrath.