
SPOILERS! (Click to view)

Nevermind, I can't get the damn code to work.


Thanks! I'm glad you liked the set ^_^
Ok, part two of the mini bio. (A bit of an oxymoron)

I left off just after marriage: We have been divorced for just about five years and I have custody of our daughter. My daughter Caitlin is the most wonderful person and all any parent could ask for. For this reason, I will never begrudge my experience with her mother, for I am the...
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Just wanted to say thank you for the comment on my set! smile
im glad someone knows how i feel!!!
Ok, time to start getting more to the meat of this blog

I plan on using this as a way to filet my soul and come to terms with my search for who I am.

First, a little bio:

Born back in the dark ages, yes 1972, in Easley, South Carolina. A small, southern town with a population around seventeen thousand. It neighbors a larger...
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Well, I know all about your educational background.. but I want the juice! More fileting of your soul!

I appreciate your feedback and you are totally right. Everytime that's ever happened before I just get stunned and terrified and I don't say a word and they keep badgering me until one of us is out of sight. Then I can't stop thinking about it no matter how hard I try, and by the end of the day I have the perfect one liner that would not only shut them up but radically chagne their worldview and have them eating out of my hand. ha... yeah... in the movies, like you said.

But after some liquor and a bad night, it only takes small provocation to hear my wrath.
Ok, time for a little silliness. This is something I wrote at work late one night. It was a strange night and is evident by this:

(WARNING: Must be read with a stiff upper lip, and with an air of superiority.)

An Ode to the Mountain called Dew

Mountain Dew,
You know it is true,
How I love you so,
It's time for me to...
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Ahhh the sound on my computer is fucked! It looks very interesting, though... I'll be sure to check it out on my friend's computer later today.

That's like the third poem/song I've heard dedicated to Mountain Dew. Either I know too many people with too much time on their hands, or they're putting MSG in that shit.
Hahaha, that used to be my profile picture way back last fall!
thank you
Ok, I saw a commercial for some video game with "Mad World" (performed by Gary Jules on the Donnie Darko soundtrack) and I can not get the song out of my head.

Guess it's a good thing I like it.

If you ever hear a song in a commercial, movie, TV show, etcetera, etcetera, and can't figure out who is performing it, this is a...
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Let's just start out with a few... Unfathomable Quotes

Pride is a monkey's uncle.

Failure is success's less popular brother.

The road to failure is often long.

Distraction is the devil's Trivial Pursuit.

Sorrow is joy once removed.

The beginning is the end in reverse.

When eating crow, remember to leave room for your foot.

Indifference is often due to a lack of concern.

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