The air is thick in my house. Lightning bugs are glowing outside the window. The train is going by. The train is always going by.
Fuck dat train homey. It goes by so often you won't even notice it.-Elwood Blues.
that sounds so familiar. about 3 yrs ago we lived on 14th and 4th and the tracks were about 5 houses away. when we moved it was a little odd at first because it was so quiet. i knd-of miss the trains going by all the time.

I miss my old man. The house is so peaceful without him. When he comes back I am going to hug him for like 1,000 hours. Then we'll play chess and I'll lose, and we'll glow out of excitement of being in our very own perfect home.
I love that feeling that only comes after being with someone again after not seeing them for so...
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I couldn't make it 2 days let alone 10... I got one of those free AOL discs in the mail and am using that to dialup until the DSL arrives.
The new place is absolute paradise, I am so happy.
Also, I will venture to say that Jetta is the most beautiful girl in the world.
he he he...you sound so like me. there's no way that i could wait that long to have internet connection, too. and once again everytime i come over here you're making me jealous. first the kick ass apartment and now dsl??!! damn! wink

and i have to agree with you about buster keaton night. we've never laughed that loud in my whole life? did you go last friday? the carey grant movie arsenic and old lace was hilarious
we were thinking about going to the afternoon show on saturday for singing in the rain. but i doubt it. i wish they had silent movie night more than once a summer. oh well there's always next year to look forward to. at least to hope it's another buster keaton movie. i think i'm going to request that for christmas or my next birthday.

hope you have a great
weekend coming up
No internet for me at the new place until the 14th....

The old man leaves next week for a 10 day trip. The same week I will be without internet access as I get settled into my new home. Thank goodness for cats and bargain matinees in a town where you've got 2 friends and one will be leaving....
sounds like a good time to . . . read that book you have been ignoring , go for a scooter ride in the country , see those mattinee movies , play with the cat a little longer in the morning . . . . uh no internet would suck ! hang in there smile
My triumphant return to the land of Suicide Girls has arrived. I'm unsure what exactly happened with my cookies, but it's nice to be back.
Oh, yeah, and LE is my hero.
Well the cloest big city is Dayton which is about 45mins or so away. Were inbetween Dayton and Toledo. In other words if you go to Dayton and take I75 towards Toledo you'll run right into us.
i have those emu boxes. i keep all my loose art shit in them. and other stuff too.

yeah. i remember that bit. oh to be young and carefree and think a quarter of an hour is 25 minutes (because that's how many cents a quarter dollar is) and be late to school because of it.

xo ramona, age 19
I've had such awful insomnia for the past couple of weeks. I can't get to sleep until about 5 a.m., and then, no matter what, I sleep until at least 1 p.m. I have found that sleeping during the day feels really good, and that during the day is when I get quality sleep. No matter what I do during the day or how tired...
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Me and the old man got in a car accident yesterday. Not hurt, though shaken up. I haven't been in an accident since I got hit on my Vespa 5 years ago, luckily there is only physical damage to attend to now and not broken bones.
Belle and Sebastian are playing in New York in August. Damn. Any month but August and there might be a chance of pulling off getting there, but alas....