My heart beats wildly... And warms the dark and frigid days.
I screened "Bad Santa" this week, it's the new Coen Bros./Terry Zwigoff film. Billy Bob Thorton plays a department store Santa who has an affinity for booze, safe cracking, and anal sex. So fuckin funny.
ma are you going to make me come to the east side and get you and drag you back here?

Tell me something interesting and I'll tell you something interesting.
Tell me something interesting and I'll tell you something interesting.
I used to live in columbus ohio. Whitehall actually and played in a band called Monster Zero. not sure if that's interesting or not. your turn.

scientist have implanted chips into monkeys brains
that can give the monkey mental control over
a metal arm hand i read it in times magazine!
i soooo want a metal arm
that can give the monkey mental control over
a metal arm hand i read it in times magazine!
i soooo want a metal arm

Last night I slipped and fell down some stairs that were wet from the rain. I was already bruised and sore from a strenuous week at work, now I am even more so. I have a big purple knot on my leg that is about to really start throbbing.
Long weekend for me coming up.... I work at the theatre both today and tomorrow, we...
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Long weekend for me coming up.... I work at the theatre both today and tomorrow, we...
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Riding the Vespa home in the dark is bad enough, but in rainy darkness? Boo.
I hope your leg feels better soon!
I hope your leg feels better soon!
Wow! The Zines group has been approved! I am so excited.
Dear mosquitoes,
Please stop biting me. I know that my wholesome vegan blood attracts you, but please note that your ritual feasts leave me itchy and inflamed. In short, I am allergic to your bite. Please have mercy on me.
Wow! The Zines group has been approved! I am so excited.
Dear mosquitoes,
Please stop biting me. I know that my wholesome vegan blood attracts you, but please note that your ritual feasts leave me itchy and inflamed. In short, I am allergic to your bite. Please have mercy on me.
eat more garlic , vampires hate it ( fleas mosquitoes gary oldman etc . . . )
yeah, the garlic always works for me... it keeps the ladies away though... 

So often journals contain complaints, and general dissatisfaction with life. This entry is going to be different. I am writing this journal entry to express just how much I love my partner, and how, after almost 8 years of knowing him, each time I see him is like the first time and whenever I am with him I don't think it's possible to stop smiling....
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it is the simple things that make lie fun . I just watched Ghost Dog again . . . that movie gets better everytime i see it . I cired at the end , and when they shoot the pigon . . .
Things are good.
I don't like to worry myself about things whose outcome I have absolutely no impact on. I can't help it right now, though, because I am so filled with worry that occupying myself with anything else is near impossible.
I hope tomorrow will yield results that will stop this fear in my heart.
I hope tomorrow will yield results that will stop this fear in my heart.
After 7 fun filled months, I am once again a workin' girl. Wow. I am crazy excited.
yay yay yay!!! oh man you are so lucky. maybe i'll go and put in an ap at the one up here in grandview. i would love to work at either of them.
unfortunately i already have my fun job now i have to go about finding the responsible high paying one.
i'm so not looking forward to it but i shouldn't get to lazy or i'll never start looking.
unfortunately i already have my fun job now i have to go about finding the responsible high paying one.

damn,,, i want a vactation like that...
what are you doing now...
what are you doing now...