So, seeing as I'm jobless right now, i'm currently looking for good jobs. I just applied at lowe's for a seasonal employee. as in garden center
haha. But i'm also applying at the human society, and petsmart, i love animals
Alas, i will also be applying at kmart, and the grocery stores, maybe at Pride, Inc. All i know is i NEED a job. haha. i cant keep dying my hair with out money! and i dont know if you've ever seen red hair with blonde roots... but it's ATROCIOUS. simply put, i'm really only looking for a job so i can do my hair and get my nose done. oh, and pay angie back the 186 i owe her. lol. Anyone have any suggestions on where i should work??

no great ideas, but good luck!
lol, why would i be a sex host?