i am sore in just about EVERY possible place. fuck the gym. three days in a row might have been pushing it. time to take a break for awhile. maybe just rest tomorrow. then go back at it again on tuesday. or i could just go in and do some cardio. No muscle building.
I mean, with my birth control being switched to the shot, i gain weight like crazy. It BLOWS. i've already gained 15 pounds since going on it. and that was 2 months ago... I seriously need to start losing some weight. i think i'll talk to ashley about that... she's my personal trainer.
so, we'll see what she has me doing. My life is going in a new direction. I'm thinking of going back to blonde. it's gonna be hard, but i miss my natural hair. and i'm growing it out again. I'm also seriously considering getting my nose pierced. i find it extremely attractive. and i feel it would look great on me.
One thing i've noticed, you all keep telling me i'm extremely attractive, hot, sexy, beautiful, gorgeous, fine, smokin'... I dont get why? lol. I honestly just find myself average. Is it my boobs? hmmm...

One thing i've noticed, you all keep telling me i'm extremely attractive, hot, sexy, beautiful, gorgeous, fine, smokin'... I dont get why? lol. I honestly just find myself average. Is it my boobs? hmmm...

Hay felineasaurus i have just found your profile and i am a new member! i have had a look at some of your pictures and yes you do have lovely boobs but IMO you have one of the cutest faces EVER! and the glasses suit you so well! so that in my opinion is why everyone is saying your beautiful and so on 

haha. i've never actually had that kind of an explanation before! thank you