My set finally went up, my glee levels went through the roof, and, curiously, my gender was apparently reassigned. I never before noticed that along with becoming an official certified pornstar you get gender reassignment, but evidently thats what happens. Any Limbo Pink Ladies who anticipate peering in their pants when their first set goes up and getting mightily confused, dont worry, its an improvement. Being a SuicideGirl is INFINITELY preferable to being either male or female.
In other news, approximately fifty/sixty/seventy MILLION people have left comments and/or e-mailed me, so if I dont immediately grab you by the lips and drag you into MSN for sexy rambling, forgive. Or not. A general rule is that Im much more likely to add you to my friends list if you actually e-mail me to semi-prove youre not just collecting SuicideGirls to add to your own list. Things that also prove this are credit card details, passports, transatlantic flights, and an envelope full of cash.
Id like to thank Erin (who was the first SuicideGirl I ever saw online), Asha (who was the first SuicideGirl I ever saw face to face), Brogan (who was the first SuicideGirl I ever saw sober) and about fifty/sixty/seventy MILLION other people that I cant name as Im about due to burst into Gwyneth Paltrow/Halle Berry style tears because this is an awards ceremony.
Fun Felidae Fact: In answer to various questions 1) Both. 2) Neither. 3) Seven. 4) Jillian. 5) A cucumber. 6) With Twwly and it WAS filmed. 7) Yes two of my pictures are backwards, I was trying to catch you out.

Happy Christmas Homie