Im well aware that I havent updated this journal since the bronze age.
Im well aware that I should, considering the amount of people that have suggested I do so.
Im well aware that Im not impressing any of the myriad of pretty girls who get lured in by my witticisms on the boards only to be confronted by a journal entry well over a month old.
and, well, Missy sent her boys round to persuade me.
Of late Ive been going old school. Really, really, really old school. Like Romans-style millennia-back old school. A few weeks ago I went to visit Tintagel (yes, that whole pre-Camelot crib of King Arthur place).
And a couple of days ago I went with a friend to walk a sizeable portion of Hadrians Wall. Strangely both journeys (and said journeys were both called walks in the guides; walks, not climbs) were replete with one factor cliffs. While Im well aware that as a defensive option cliffs were the cheapest and most effective means of keeping people out, I dont really think it necessary that in these modern times I should be forced to stagger hither and yon wearing a backpack for two (since my comrade in patheticiticy was even less capable than I) when both hither and yon involves serious cliffage. Yes, I want views, but no, I dont want to work for them! Arent we evolved enough for escalators? Elevators? Or at least some form of stair lift? What of those decrepit berks whose mojo dictates they go where their body clearly dictates they shouldnt? Tintagel would suck for them, as would the Wall.
I did at least get that addictively charming little burst of endorphins whenever I discovered a new death defying drop to dangle myself out over, and my leg muscles are now officially made of steel. Another couple of trips and I can buy some big guns to go with my big thighs and begin my career as a Marvel superhero.
Fun Felidae Fact: The most obscure thing Ive ever chanced upon whilst looking for something completely different on E-bay has been a pair of 14 rams horns. I bought them, have attached both to a hat, and will spend much of Halloween throwing firecrackers and calling myself Tim The Enchanter. Possibly whilst accompanied by a posse of knights.
Im well aware that I should, considering the amount of people that have suggested I do so.
Im well aware that Im not impressing any of the myriad of pretty girls who get lured in by my witticisms on the boards only to be confronted by a journal entry well over a month old.
and, well, Missy sent her boys round to persuade me.
Of late Ive been going old school. Really, really, really old school. Like Romans-style millennia-back old school. A few weeks ago I went to visit Tintagel (yes, that whole pre-Camelot crib of King Arthur place).

And a couple of days ago I went with a friend to walk a sizeable portion of Hadrians Wall. Strangely both journeys (and said journeys were both called walks in the guides; walks, not climbs) were replete with one factor cliffs. While Im well aware that as a defensive option cliffs were the cheapest and most effective means of keeping people out, I dont really think it necessary that in these modern times I should be forced to stagger hither and yon wearing a backpack for two (since my comrade in patheticiticy was even less capable than I) when both hither and yon involves serious cliffage. Yes, I want views, but no, I dont want to work for them! Arent we evolved enough for escalators? Elevators? Or at least some form of stair lift? What of those decrepit berks whose mojo dictates they go where their body clearly dictates they shouldnt? Tintagel would suck for them, as would the Wall.
I did at least get that addictively charming little burst of endorphins whenever I discovered a new death defying drop to dangle myself out over, and my leg muscles are now officially made of steel. Another couple of trips and I can buy some big guns to go with my big thighs and begin my career as a Marvel superhero.
Fun Felidae Fact: The most obscure thing Ive ever chanced upon whilst looking for something completely different on E-bay has been a pair of 14 rams horns. I bought them, have attached both to a hat, and will spend much of Halloween throwing firecrackers and calling myself Tim The Enchanter. Possibly whilst accompanied by a posse of knights.
tintagel ROCKS!
went there in the summer (inc boscastle a few weeks before it had a slight problem with some water)

Me, Nothin...............u............... Radiant.