So its been over a month since I last updated this - stupid really, since I broke up from university I've have more time on my hands than ever. I havent even been out to frolic and make merry in well over a week. No, this isnt a good thing. Its all thanks to my car, the vehicle that haunts my every waking hour - or would if it would get off its stupid inanimate ass and fucking work once in a while.
To cut a long story short, what happened once has happened again. Tomorrow I should be experiencing temporary respite in the form of a mechanic arriving to stroke his beard and peer into the engine, then probably tell me my extraordinarily expensive electronic immobiliser key needs replacing. Great! FanTAStic! While Im here and awake at this extraordinary hour since no garage wishes to have any business with me before ten why dont I just bend over the bonnet and have you fuck my ass til I squeal? No? Well I have a wrench to hand, why dont YOU try it?!
Bah. But at least Ill be able to get to the gym again.
Prior to my immobilisation Id been out and about rather a lot. Id been to the US to visit The Girl and prance around Atlanta (and Im in the market for a sugar-daddy if anyone wants to indulge me another vacation anytime soon have you SEEN the excuse for a summer the UK is putting up with?!). Id also been an official dancer at !Replicate alongside Asha, brandishing glo-sticks for all we were worth.
The weekend before last Id even made my presence felt at Rockworld, where I bumped into the glorious matt_organic, whom I love dearly since he bestowed yet more glo-sticks upon me, and glo-sticks are indeed my latest addiction (also he professed raptures as to when my set would come out, which is always a way to make me love you). While at Rockworld I sauntered to the bar and accidentally interrupted a conversation between Mike - The Amazingly Tall And Hairy Barman, and Noel The Neville Longbottom of Goths. They stopped speaking as I approached and stared at me as though Id requested a tankard of finest weasel.
Felidae: Erwhat.
Mike: We were just talking about you.
Felidae: Mind if I ask what about me?
Mike: Wellmostly to do with how your coolness points have gone up by about fiftyMILLION since most of Rockworld saw your picture on the Download website.
Felidae goes eight shades of crimson.
Noel: Yeah. There were three initial band pictures and one was of the SuicideGirls and it had you on it
Mike: With your breasts out.
Felidae dies, not least because she was wearing the SG shirt at the time.
This sort of behaviour makes The Girl threaten not to let me out of the house when we live together. Its okay though, Ill get a webcam. Then I can be a hussy AND a shut-in!
Fun Felidae Fact: This entry has been brought to you via a rather nice Shiraz. I mention it only because the aforementioned Girl and I consumed several bottles of Vampire Wyne when last in New Orleans. Personally I could have left it as it was, but because she is definitely not into her reds we wound up adding SweetnLo to heffing great enormous glasses of the stuff. And Lo, I got sick. And Lo, I couldnt drink the crap for months after. Hoorah for recovery!
To cut a long story short, what happened once has happened again. Tomorrow I should be experiencing temporary respite in the form of a mechanic arriving to stroke his beard and peer into the engine, then probably tell me my extraordinarily expensive electronic immobiliser key needs replacing. Great! FanTAStic! While Im here and awake at this extraordinary hour since no garage wishes to have any business with me before ten why dont I just bend over the bonnet and have you fuck my ass til I squeal? No? Well I have a wrench to hand, why dont YOU try it?!
Bah. But at least Ill be able to get to the gym again.
Prior to my immobilisation Id been out and about rather a lot. Id been to the US to visit The Girl and prance around Atlanta (and Im in the market for a sugar-daddy if anyone wants to indulge me another vacation anytime soon have you SEEN the excuse for a summer the UK is putting up with?!). Id also been an official dancer at !Replicate alongside Asha, brandishing glo-sticks for all we were worth.

The weekend before last Id even made my presence felt at Rockworld, where I bumped into the glorious matt_organic, whom I love dearly since he bestowed yet more glo-sticks upon me, and glo-sticks are indeed my latest addiction (also he professed raptures as to when my set would come out, which is always a way to make me love you). While at Rockworld I sauntered to the bar and accidentally interrupted a conversation between Mike - The Amazingly Tall And Hairy Barman, and Noel The Neville Longbottom of Goths. They stopped speaking as I approached and stared at me as though Id requested a tankard of finest weasel.
Felidae: Erwhat.
Mike: We were just talking about you.
Felidae: Mind if I ask what about me?
Mike: Wellmostly to do with how your coolness points have gone up by about fiftyMILLION since most of Rockworld saw your picture on the Download website.
Felidae goes eight shades of crimson.
Noel: Yeah. There were three initial band pictures and one was of the SuicideGirls and it had you on it
Mike: With your breasts out.
Felidae dies, not least because she was wearing the SG shirt at the time.

This sort of behaviour makes The Girl threaten not to let me out of the house when we live together. Its okay though, Ill get a webcam. Then I can be a hussy AND a shut-in!
Fun Felidae Fact: This entry has been brought to you via a rather nice Shiraz. I mention it only because the aforementioned Girl and I consumed several bottles of Vampire Wyne when last in New Orleans. Personally I could have left it as it was, but because she is definitely not into her reds we wound up adding SweetnLo to heffing great enormous glasses of the stuff. And Lo, I got sick. And Lo, I couldnt drink the crap for months after. Hoorah for recovery!
(that was actually the weirdest thing i could think of....)