Download was, in a word, magnificent. Even if the only SuicideGirls picture they have on the Download website itself features me looking oh so demure and coquettish while the other girls just couldnt resist throwing caution to the wind and displaying great heffing amounts of lard and boob.

See what I mean? Disgraceful. If they were more like my charm-schooled self this site wouldnt have such a hussy club reputation.
Thankfully there are a few depictions of myself loitering around the place that show a better (read: more flattering) view. The meeting of US and UK girls was particularly fun.

Though there was a great deal of meeting and greeting in general. We airkissed with Breed 77, Il Nino and various others the names of whom I forget as it is late as all hell. Il Nino incidentally were particularly sweet, notably when we leapt (naked save for strategic and very chocolatey pants n tape) off the minibus that had ferried us from the chocolate sauce routine onstage:

and tipped us out some several hundred yards from the showers. They decided that the most obvious display of gentlemanly behaviour would be to stand about and watch, hollering all the while. Joining Il Nino in the chivalry was Fieldy from Korn, who suggested we just stay out in the rain and offered us assistance should we poor sticky girls be just overwhelmed by the task of scrubbing each others backs.
Il Nino redeemed themselves later however, by appearing when myself and KitSuicide couldnt initially find our way back to the campsite. I had hugs and invites to party, which I had to pass on. Poo.
There were, in fact, a great many fabulous moments from both Saturday and Sunday, including my dancing with the Scuzz midget in the Kerrang! club (and getting pelted by fake blood kidneys which exploded everywhere), doing my first signing of any sort at all (and having to remember to sign myself as Felidae), subsequently getting a whole herd of guys coming over and wanting me to sign my name on various body parts (no, not those ones), hearing how the Jackass crew got thrown out of the festival without pay and with distinct hints of suing after a bust-up with Electric Six (whom I love after the lead singer leapt off the stage and warbled into my neck the last time I saw them), and meeting Amber (UK gothic porn star), who, like many people, is smaller in real life than on late night Channel 5.
There were so many more rocking moments that I cant really remember them, not least because my tiny mind is currently occupied with having to finish an enormous painting for Monday morning, and the fact that I get to go away to Atlanta for a week on Monday afternoon, for to visit someone who melts me into a small puddle of ecstatic goo just by existing. Its not a bad life, really.

No, really.
Fun Felidae Fact: When you barge into a troupe of gorgeous ladies yelling, Wheres the most beautiful girl in the world? You do not then look about you, sigh, turn round, and go sulk in a corner. Nobody gets laid like that. Im looking at you, Soil, even if Stormy had yet to put in an appearance.
wow you haven't updated in AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGES.
Wow... i've been cruising about and keep stumbling upon these hilllllarious comments you've written... and come to your journal only to discover that a serious trend is underway. You are witty and hot and ... that's all i have to say. Please don't stop.