So I finally did it. I chose my favourite SuicideGirls.
Actually Id chosen my personal SuicideGirls several times already, based on a) The first five girls to call me gorgeous, b) The fellow British SuicideGirls who I speak to via the UKSG board, and c) The girls whose pants I most want to get into. Eventually I went with a combination of all three, but it was a REALLY tough choice, because what they dont tell the regular members is that we who are Suicide get free quarterly meets with our Favourites. Were issued with pillows (for the fighting), white t-shirts (for the wetting), various sweet spreadable substances (for theuhspreading), and a camera with which we record our antics. We each take home a tape of the results at the end of the day to add to our personal Library Of Sweet Suicide Memories. DVDs cost extra. So you can see why we have such a time picking our Favourites.
A couple of my Favourites (coincidentally or otherwisewho knows?) will hopefully be present at the (non pillow-providing) meet at the end of this month, which has been publicised on the SGUK board. Im looking forward to it enough that Im actually fidgeting as to what Ill wear some three weeks in advance. Truly pathetic. Ill be bringing myself and my photographer (also my best friend), both for legitimate reasons and moral support.
Ill be bringing said friend along for similar reasons when I manage to schedule time for the latest class Ive located and decided to take: pole dancing! I love to incorporate bars and pillars etc. when I dance, but I know my limits, and they are definitely beyond reached when some halfway to the ceiling, dangling by my knees from a pole.
Maybe if youre lucky Ill take pictures in class?
Or then again maybe the world doesnt need more pictures of women landing on their faces.
Fun Felidae Fact: I'm torn between my slutty-schoolgirl, evil-domme and oversize-pants-wearing-cybergirl persona for tomorrow night. I wear all so well.
holy lord, i think i'm entranced here...