Getting Some Tail, Some Swords, Some Pizza And Some Chess.
Alright, so the rumours are true. I have just had several days of very silly but fun goodness.
When the DJ of one of the nights he plays at heard the theme was science fiction and fantasy I was more or less the first person he thought of. As it turned out it was really well attended, and by mutual decision we went as Avatars. It was awesome and we truly enjoyed ourselves. The only drawback to the pictures is that you can't see the myriad glowing dots since we weren't under UV light at the time. Shame. I still loved being blue and waking up the next morning, and taking one look at a house full of what appeared to have become populated by escapees from Startrek to Lord of the Rings was hilarious.
The next day I went sword training. I have considerable experience with sword training, if not LARPing, so wasn't phased. This changed rapidly when I realised I'd only had said considerable experience with Japanese swords and have no clue what I'm doing with a one-handed sword and shield. To give the guys I was with credit they let me try a few different weapons before I chose my favourite; a sword fairly balanced for me and a shield big enough to hide behind. I'd actually made Redsword (my own) some time earlier but got solidly told off since it was apparently far too dangerous to be used. "But you're supposed to hit someone with it!" was my response, "Yes, but not kill them."
The funniest point of the sword training was when one person got whaled on by the trainer and sprinted off into the distance rather than having any more hits (think two hits to the head equals you theoretically dead, two to the legs you have to drop to your knees, two to either arm is disabling it...depending on how you play). This left me standing on my own giggling like an idiot. Another good part was the two-on-two, where we raised our shields and decided who to attack behind them then nobody would hear...then immediately got hammered because we weren't looking.
Later I had a game of chess with a friend who is by far better at it than I, but to his credit said I wasn't too bad given I could hardly remember how to play and it took an hour to get over with. Chess, and all good games, are best spent time on. Anyway...the photos:
Fun Felidae Fact: We really wanted to have yellow eyes...but since neither of us ever wore contacts before declined an evening of eye-watering. Oh, and thankyou fellow swordsmen, I'm aching like I haven't since I did kickboxing.
Alright, so the rumours are true. I have just had several days of very silly but fun goodness.
When the DJ of one of the nights he plays at heard the theme was science fiction and fantasy I was more or less the first person he thought of. As it turned out it was really well attended, and by mutual decision we went as Avatars. It was awesome and we truly enjoyed ourselves. The only drawback to the pictures is that you can't see the myriad glowing dots since we weren't under UV light at the time. Shame. I still loved being blue and waking up the next morning, and taking one look at a house full of what appeared to have become populated by escapees from Startrek to Lord of the Rings was hilarious.
The next day I went sword training. I have considerable experience with sword training, if not LARPing, so wasn't phased. This changed rapidly when I realised I'd only had said considerable experience with Japanese swords and have no clue what I'm doing with a one-handed sword and shield. To give the guys I was with credit they let me try a few different weapons before I chose my favourite; a sword fairly balanced for me and a shield big enough to hide behind. I'd actually made Redsword (my own) some time earlier but got solidly told off since it was apparently far too dangerous to be used. "But you're supposed to hit someone with it!" was my response, "Yes, but not kill them."
The funniest point of the sword training was when one person got whaled on by the trainer and sprinted off into the distance rather than having any more hits (think two hits to the head equals you theoretically dead, two to the legs you have to drop to your knees, two to either arm is disabling it...depending on how you play). This left me standing on my own giggling like an idiot. Another good part was the two-on-two, where we raised our shields and decided who to attack behind them then nobody would hear...then immediately got hammered because we weren't looking.
Later I had a game of chess with a friend who is by far better at it than I, but to his credit said I wasn't too bad given I could hardly remember how to play and it took an hour to get over with. Chess, and all good games, are best spent time on. Anyway...the photos:
Fun Felidae Fact: We really wanted to have yellow eyes...but since neither of us ever wore contacts before declined an evening of eye-watering. Oh, and thankyou fellow swordsmen, I'm aching like I haven't since I did kickboxing.
sounds like you've been having fun
I like the sound of the swordplay...

AVATAR ohhh yeahhhhh