So I was considering what I'd give up for Lent. Firstly I thought chocolate, then decided no, because I'm not a chocolate lover so it would be too easy. Then I thought crisps, but I love crisps and given that I have roughly one meal per day they create a major part of my sustainance. I considered fizzy drinks (again too easy), fruit (I can manage on vitamins), meat (don't eat much anyway), milk and/or cheese...but since I was told I shouldn't take calcium tablets that would be dim.
What then if no substances are a true thing to be given up? Objects!
Satin sheets, cats, plants, floors, ceilings, books, Warcraft, newspapers, turning up the heat...YES! I will not turn up the heat for Lent!
This doesn't mean I won't make myself innumerable wraps and be sat here at stupid in the morning wearing a sweater and scowling, but I shall not turn up the heat for Lent.
Fun Felidae Fact: I'm going to be cold. I'd better be getting points.
So I was considering what I'd give up for Lent. Firstly I thought chocolate, then decided no, because I'm not a chocolate lover so it would be too easy. Then I thought crisps, but I love crisps and given that I have roughly one meal per day they create a major part of my sustainance. I considered fizzy drinks (again too easy), fruit (I can manage on vitamins), meat (don't eat much anyway), milk and/or cheese...but since I was told I shouldn't take calcium tablets that would be dim.
What then if no substances are a true thing to be given up? Objects!
Satin sheets, cats, plants, floors, ceilings, books, Warcraft, newspapers, turning up the heat...YES! I will not turn up the heat for Lent!
This doesn't mean I won't make myself innumerable wraps and be sat here at stupid in the morning wearing a sweater and scowling, but I shall not turn up the heat for Lent.
Fun Felidae Fact: I'm going to be cold. I'd better be getting points.
Stay warm as well as you can.