Guild Wars VS World of Warcraft.
Yes I am geeky enough to debate this since I now play both, but right now I'm going to focus on (fanfare please) ESCORT QUESTS!!!1one.
Admittedly they're fun in both games, but unlike in Guild Wars where you can hire lackeys if you wish to play the game alone, in Warcraft you're stuck on your own (unless either you make friends or you're lucky enough to know a really high level character who you persuade to parade along for the show-off value of their one-hitting everything that would kill you with a sneeze). The other participant (excluding the one-hit wonder) is obviously the guy you "escort" which sounds wonderfully dodgy.
In either game the rules are essentially the same: you parade alongside someone who takes a rather arbitrary path across the globe and be their bodyguard because apparently the entire universe wants to bound across the landscape and murder them. This lasts until he asks you to stop it and leave.
Warcraft and Guild Wars tie in at that point. The only difference is in the number of people involved. In Warcraft you avoid other people who spam "LFG DM RAID" in favour of people who can locate their caps lock, and in Guild Wars you avoid everyone in the newbie zones, which means you're fucked unless you hire the aforementioned lackeys (who are the same bloody people in every town - I don't know what bus they catch but it's better than mine).
In Guild Wars I play more or less the same sort of character I do in Warcraft - ranger/hunter, complete with very similar build. They're GREAT at escort quests, in fact great at surviving on their own full stop, but the reason escort quests are escort quests and not just wandering through the park for tea and maybe a bun is that the guy you escort was probably stuck where he was in the first case because he has absolutely no sense of self preservation. He stampedes into the slavering jaws of the local wolf population and flails at them with all the effectiveness of a poodle with a fly-swatter stuck up its arse.
At least in Guild Wars you just keep an eye on things and make sure your healer's okay. Wait, you do that in Warcraft too, except it's usually another player who everybody screams "HAEL!!1" at periodically.
Fun Felidae Fact: I would not now be playing Guild Wars if I had a computer which could run Warcraftand wouldn't be playing it anyway were it not for Dec. So thanks and licks go to him. I'm an even bigger geek now than I was before.
Yes I am geeky enough to debate this since I now play both, but right now I'm going to focus on (fanfare please) ESCORT QUESTS!!!1one.
Admittedly they're fun in both games, but unlike in Guild Wars where you can hire lackeys if you wish to play the game alone, in Warcraft you're stuck on your own (unless either you make friends or you're lucky enough to know a really high level character who you persuade to parade along for the show-off value of their one-hitting everything that would kill you with a sneeze). The other participant (excluding the one-hit wonder) is obviously the guy you "escort" which sounds wonderfully dodgy.
In either game the rules are essentially the same: you parade alongside someone who takes a rather arbitrary path across the globe and be their bodyguard because apparently the entire universe wants to bound across the landscape and murder them. This lasts until he asks you to stop it and leave.
Warcraft and Guild Wars tie in at that point. The only difference is in the number of people involved. In Warcraft you avoid other people who spam "LFG DM RAID" in favour of people who can locate their caps lock, and in Guild Wars you avoid everyone in the newbie zones, which means you're fucked unless you hire the aforementioned lackeys (who are the same bloody people in every town - I don't know what bus they catch but it's better than mine).
In Guild Wars I play more or less the same sort of character I do in Warcraft - ranger/hunter, complete with very similar build. They're GREAT at escort quests, in fact great at surviving on their own full stop, but the reason escort quests are escort quests and not just wandering through the park for tea and maybe a bun is that the guy you escort was probably stuck where he was in the first case because he has absolutely no sense of self preservation. He stampedes into the slavering jaws of the local wolf population and flails at them with all the effectiveness of a poodle with a fly-swatter stuck up its arse.
At least in Guild Wars you just keep an eye on things and make sure your healer's okay. Wait, you do that in Warcraft too, except it's usually another player who everybody screams "HAEL!!1" at periodically.
Fun Felidae Fact: I would not now be playing Guild Wars if I had a computer which could run Warcraftand wouldn't be playing it anyway were it not for Dec. So thanks and licks go to him. I'm an even bigger geek now than I was before.
that was a wonderful rant. These are the tough choices upon which modern life is built. Im currently trying to choose between Warcraft and COD4 for this evenings pwnage.