Warmth. A thing I have not. Mostly because my parents have the opinion that when indoors a person should put on twelve layers of thermal underwear before they even try and struggle into their Patented Indoor Snowsuit.
A few people have in the past wondered at my life choices and mentioned that they may effect me in times to come. Times such as my afterlife, which I do not really have any faith in but would like to sort of run karma by. A sense of, "Yeah, don't do bad shit to someone, come back as a baboon, you already know you aren't going to make it as a human again."
Currently I think I'm at the tree stage. I'm not exactly a bug - which pardon my saying I feel are essentially the weeds we pull up from our gardens who get reincarnated and go "Oh for fucks sake." when they get squished again and wonder if they could possibly hit the jackpot next time and turn out as a bee which at least has the possibility of climbing the evolutionary ladder one bloody rung further.
And all the wasps look across and go, "Oh shut up. Go sting n die bitch."
Anyway, I'm unsure whether I should be good or bad in this life.
You have to take the occasional look at it from the mindframe of those such as Charles Manson who would literally bound into a fiery hell with joy throwing treats to Cerebus on the way and yell, "HEY GUYS I BROUGHT MARSHMALLOWS" and then compare it to the angels bajillions of feet up which I imagine are all huddled together like a load of penguins with oxygen masks wishing desperately that they had insulation robes.
I am quite happy to go parading into eternal damnation right now if doing so is any warmer. At a guess I'd say their barbecues are better.
Fun Felidae Fact: Cats, in my experience, like warm laps to be flopped on or around. Many of them unfortunately also like warm feet, and get particularly annoyed when said feet try to leave. This has led to this entry being long, pointless, and rambling, because until Smoke n Mirrors (my parents cat) actively chooses to leave I can't leave either...least not with all my toes.
Post Fun Felidae Fact: I'm supposed to be meeting with the writer of this during the next week, I'm in it for a good time, not a long time. In the Manchester area? Come see.

A few people have in the past wondered at my life choices and mentioned that they may effect me in times to come. Times such as my afterlife, which I do not really have any faith in but would like to sort of run karma by. A sense of, "Yeah, don't do bad shit to someone, come back as a baboon, you already know you aren't going to make it as a human again."
Currently I think I'm at the tree stage. I'm not exactly a bug - which pardon my saying I feel are essentially the weeds we pull up from our gardens who get reincarnated and go "Oh for fucks sake." when they get squished again and wonder if they could possibly hit the jackpot next time and turn out as a bee which at least has the possibility of climbing the evolutionary ladder one bloody rung further.
And all the wasps look across and go, "Oh shut up. Go sting n die bitch."
Anyway, I'm unsure whether I should be good or bad in this life.
You have to take the occasional look at it from the mindframe of those such as Charles Manson who would literally bound into a fiery hell with joy throwing treats to Cerebus on the way and yell, "HEY GUYS I BROUGHT MARSHMALLOWS" and then compare it to the angels bajillions of feet up which I imagine are all huddled together like a load of penguins with oxygen masks wishing desperately that they had insulation robes.
I am quite happy to go parading into eternal damnation right now if doing so is any warmer. At a guess I'd say their barbecues are better.
Fun Felidae Fact: Cats, in my experience, like warm laps to be flopped on or around. Many of them unfortunately also like warm feet, and get particularly annoyed when said feet try to leave. This has led to this entry being long, pointless, and rambling, because until Smoke n Mirrors (my parents cat) actively chooses to leave I can't leave either...least not with all my toes.
Post Fun Felidae Fact: I'm supposed to be meeting with the writer of this during the next week, I'm in it for a good time, not a long time. In the Manchester area? Come see.