sun is shining, weather is sweet....
Two weeks now at the gym and i feel fantastic. I've been riding most places i need to go and have heaps more energy and a spring in my stepp that was gone for too long!
My teams in the semi finals, and thats gonna be a huge game, i can't believe i lined up for five freakin hours...
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omg! you're going to the game? how lucky! the match should rule. Port will kick ass!
I finally found a car...and its a beast! Its a 1979 Holden HZ Kingswood V8 station wagon on gas. I can't wait to get away on a decent road trip!!
What else to share....ummm... i am such a hoarder, i have started a big spring clean (a little prematurely) cos i got sick of seeing all these collections of stuff gathering on every surface and...
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At least it has four wheels and gets you from A to B. Don't worry I will be in the same position when I head over to your crazy little island, at the end of September.

Just in the process of wrapping up my life, otherwise all is peachy with me.

Hope you are having a great weekend.

wink kiss smile
OK, so i've finally done it, i went and joined the gym yesterday...i can't believe how expensive that shit is! I'm gonna go heaps just to make sure i get value for my money!!! I also finally got my treadly back on the road and i am stoked....i love cruisin round. I particularly love the big hill on Torrens Rd from Nth Adelaide down to...
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Just wanted to say thanks for the comment in my journal about my set. Sorry it took so long to get back to you!

i dont mind the colours so much,its that zigzag thing puke ....avant garde and progressive? yeah right wink
i need to get away from this fucking computer..... i haven't left my house all weekend and my house looks like fifty ferrals have been camping here... surreal
but anyway, YAY FOR PORT POWER!!! that was a fine game o footy we played friday night and we're still a finals chance.
i really wanna find a car early this week so's i can drive to melbs...
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What may I ask is "footy" is that au football? And good luck finding a car.
you gotta admit that jersey of yours is not so good.
anyhoo...as far as the hapless, or is that hopeless?, Blues go, its a case of next year.pretty fucking ordinary,although some consolation in the fact that the Northern Bullants (our "reserve's" team) will be contesting the finals.
My tip for the flag?....SWANS
i am so overwhelmed that there is to look at on this site.... so much eye candy, so few hours in the day!
Never heard of Vodka party,

Have you checked out Fiona Halls expo att he Gallary of SA, very worth your $$ to see on of Australia's bet Fem artists.

Keep on looking at the eye candy
footyschmooty.....faaaaark!j blackeyed
ok, so i know its dirty rotten twisted junk for the mind, but i have to confess to have being addicted to big brother this year.... i don't watch much television otherwise... just saw the coolest thing two guys bumrushed the stage just before they made the announcement of the winner with 'kill tv' on their t-shirts!
big shout outs to culture jammers!!!!
wooohooo....thanks for...
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Q)What are people gonna do with themselves now that BB is all over for yet another year?

A) Australian Idol

Sigh,,,,, Quality television, ,,,,,,

About the two guys that ran onto stage, The news stated that they were members of a band trying to get free advertising ?? I try not to believe all i hear on the news.

Regardless of all the brain numbing entertainment that youve gotten over the past three months, "How are you" ??
B..... smile
I was watching the boob tube last night. Sorry. Hope to see you cutie. smile
suffering from a big dirty hangover, feel like stir fried shit.
didn't i swear to never drink to excess last time i felt like this? $150 bucks later.... here i am.
Not even a memorable night, port power lost the showdown, i spent rent money, went to the biggest sleaziest dive on hindley street, acted like a fuckwit, ditched my friends, brushed off the nice...
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its a launch night for the SG DVD.....some previews of the DVD,burlesque perfomances by Mans Ruin and the Voodoo Trash Dolls and yours truly DJing....by all means if ya wanna drive over.It should be a hoot.
I bet under that rugged exterior Bubba is a sensitive new-age guy - bookish, soft-spoken, with refined tastes and a spiritual side - just the kind of man you'd like to introduce to mum
I'm getting the hang of things around here now, and have familiarised myself with most of the different areas of the sg site and many of the sg girls....wooohooo an they is hotski's!! Still keen to here from any potential friends closer to home... where are you my fellow country men and women?
The weather is good here today, that is to say the sun...
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not alot to say as yet... am only new 'round these parts and am enjoying exploring the site. I'm sure i'll have more to say later,
bye for now! love
Welcome to SG, I joined up about a month ago myself and have had a blast making friends smile I'm sure you'll enjoy it too.
Dea at Living Colour in Richmond.