mmm, not much to say.... donald bumsfeld is in town and the protests have been really boring and futile to the point of embarrassing. not that they were ever likely to achieve much. feeling jaded. john fogerty was fantatstic last night, everyone was up and dancing. doing boring diet yet again, can't even drink alkyhol and still haven't shown my face at the gym since...
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Boring = depends on the diet! biggrin

"bumsfeld", well...

They are (he is) small people. Little consolation, I know, but it is important to do what you feel is right because history will remember you, even if the present doesn't.

Which is to say that everything moves in cycles. Be as vocal as you can, in your own way, and wait for the world to catch up with you. Concentrate on yourself first, and be a good example.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup.
most the most of it for gods sake!!! wink
Ahem. hi bye
So i'm right back in the swing of things back home now.... after eating too much wierd meat (100 ways with kangaroo and camel) and drinking beer and smoking dope and cigarrettes everyday while i was away, i've launched into a detox with lots of herbal teas, organic veggies and brown rice, and fresh juices everyday. Have given the booze, smokes and pot the flick...
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oh no camel
ive had a lot of different meat but i dunno, was it ok?

ha, and i have to try a detox too i think, i'm feelin it lately wink

finally i'm home. feels good to sleep in my own bed again tho i woke a couple of times last night real confused about where i was!
I seem to have brought the weather with me again. Flooding rains in Adelaide now.
Now, to get on with my life........
Hi, I have just read your journal again for the first time in a while and it sounds like you've been having fun.

Unfortunately, I haven't been lucky enough to travel around Australia yet but one day I definately want to head into the outback. It must be great to be so far away from everything and in an area that hasn't been altered or effected by pollution or urban sprawl.

I can't believe that you met Fidel Castro's niece, that really cool!!! What was she like?

Wel my old kingswood still can't get out of wallatina, but i am in mintabie again and the roads have definately dried up a lot after the really hot (40C) and windy days we've had. I think i might try and give it a burl on the weekend, tho' now i am thinking about treying to go further north to Alice for a book launch...
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fidels neice? fuck...
passion and old holdens...? do you ever get to sydney?
I wish i had a digital camera so i could post a picture from where i am.
I have been having incredible adventures on my travels in far norths sa. Despite being a city bred whitefella through and through, I am fortunate to be accepted as kin to a huge Anangu (aboriginal people form central desert region) family because i have cousins whose mother is...
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Sounds like you'be had a mad crazy whirlwind of a trip.

Wish I was doing the same.

kiss kiss
nothing much to say.
got my uni app in on time.
only three sleeps left til we set sail!
Its good to hear that you got your Uni application in on time. I hope that you get into the course that you like.
so um, fuck I forgot what i was gunna say..................oh yeah that's right, hello biggrin
what a wild weekend its been.... salmonella dub and drunken shenanigans till dawn on friday night....crawled out of bed to watch the swannies claim the premiership....had a car load of teenage girls cruising in my car with me on saturday night drinking 'passion pop' (@#^%! its a long story) then went to meet the family and friends of my dear friend Simon who left this...
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Nice to hear form ya, Great game on the weekend got nice and drunk and stoned on a farm in the middle of hickville and it was ace. Not much going on in my world they usual crap. The johnny cash pic i foun don the net, I think it is form an article on him but you gotta love it.

whats going on in your world? how is SA treating ya

i very rarely listen to the radio.
ABC Classical sometimes.
PBS i guess. ive listened a couple of times during the radio-thons and the DJ's wont shut up about becoming a subscriber it has the opposite effect on me.its because of the DJs that i dont listen to the radio.They shit me most of the time.
one of my pet hates is breakfast radio.Why do they feel as though they have to yell and carry on like idiots is beyond me.I just got up for ffs.

dont get me wrong,i think PBS & RRR do a great job its just that at the end of the day i dont listen to the radio much biggrin

[Edited on Sep 30, 2005 5:47AM]
I'm totally aghast to hear that Texas and possibly Louisiana are now in line for a right royal assfucking by hurricane Rita....and yes i agree with people on the news thread...no doubt Bush will be in there instantly to loot whatever credibility he might find.
two words mr bush, mr howard and all of your evil ilk....... GLOBAL WARMING
two more words........... KYOTO PROTOCOLS
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pleased to meet you miss fruity! kiss

how you holding up in small town adelaide?
John Fogerty is touring!!
hello sg land...
I haven't been around here for a while, have been busy.
I'm never really sure what to write here, not sure if it ever gets read by anyone and is strange for me to share my thoughts to strangers, but at the same time kindacool.
I've had my first road trip away in my new car, which which rocks! went to the...
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hey im reading it so there you go.....i know what you mean hence my massive deletion of people on my friends list,(yeah ok i'll get you back on)...i kinda feel if people arent going to make even a minor effort to say something,stupid or otherwise there's not much point them being on the list.anyways moving right along.Dub, check out most King Tubby stuff although as with Lee Perry there are a few dodgy comps that arent much chop.id look at some of the SoulJazz catalogue.Dub,Roots,Rockers,Ska,Soul etc....if i had the cash id buy the whole lot.Trojan has alot of great stuff re-issued and another label called Blood & Fire is all pretty good too.
its weird going to a game being neutral.I went last week to the Swans/Saints game.You are kind of more accepting of umpiring than you normally are, although i did stand up and give em some a couple of times.But yeah it should be great fun.
adelaide is totally fucking alive this weekend... no sleepy big country town now! Its bizarre and theres even heaps of FRIENDLY interteam jibing!!! Its pretty bloody exciting.....but if anyone told me ten years ago that i'd ever be this excited about footy, or that i'd line up for five hours for tickets, i would have laughed loudly in their face!!
I've been thinking a bit...
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fucking clobbered!!
only six months to go for it to start again smile
didnt make Lee Perry,i sorta forgot....nevermind, i saw him the other times he came out.

go the Swans eh!! im going,scored a ticket via some friends of friends of Mums who are disgruntled Saints fans,they want no part of it haha.