I went to a fantastic exhibition the other night, a friend who calls herself Clara Tzara does clever things with Barbie Dolls..... it was so good to go to an exhibition and actually hear people laughing! There was no snooty high brow nonsense, just a diverse array of people, good music and lots of wine and great art. I never drink wine normally, but you wouldn't have thought so had you seen me in action Thursday night, i spent all of yesterday in bed, except for when i was bent over the toilet vomiting, with the hangover from hell. Feeling like stir fried shit and I couldn't keep down even a mouthfull of water for most of the day..... i don't expect sympathy for self inflicted sickness but i tells ya I've never been hungover like that before.
Changed my uni preferences again, dropped social work degree from the double, wasn't feeling it and it looked hardcore, now i hope to just do Arts, Aboriginal Studies and that will rock because its at the city campus which is a short leafy bike ride from my house and i can do some visual art subjects as a second major.
My uncle is bringing me a mac today that he is giving me, i have never used one before so am a little excited. ... lots to learn even before uni begins!
Changed my uni preferences again, dropped social work degree from the double, wasn't feeling it and it looked hardcore, now i hope to just do Arts, Aboriginal Studies and that will rock because its at the city campus which is a short leafy bike ride from my house and i can do some visual art subjects as a second major.
My uncle is bringing me a mac today that he is giving me, i have never used one before so am a little excited. ... lots to learn even before uni begins!

well no, i haven't been playing up, yet.. um, these mates are trying to steer me away from this girl.. theyve done alright so far...
sounds like that night was worth it tho, a good crowd at something like that makes a great night.. an ex had some talent in that sphere..