Well, well....it never rains but it pours round here, literally AND figuratively. I've lost sixteen kilo's and when i returned home after a week recuperating at my folks, i found the results for my STAT test (the test to get into uni) and was astounded to discover that i blitzed it and made it into the top percentile, beating 99% of field. I was further amaxed to open a second letter and discover i've already ( a month early) been offered a place in my first preference of courses.
Can you fucking believe it?? I left school in year 11 and haven't studied properly in fifteen years and wass sure i wasn't uni material!!!
I'm feeling a little bit stoked with myself, these achievements are rare thus far in my life, so please excuse my gloating!
Can you fucking believe it?? I left school in year 11 and haven't studied properly in fifteen years and wass sure i wasn't uni material!!!
I'm feeling a little bit stoked with myself, these achievements are rare thus far in my life, so please excuse my gloating!

I've applied for a Cert 3 in Beauty Services at TAFE for next year (fingers crossed, there are only six places being offered). That's something I've wanted for a long time.
The Indigenous studies centre at UniSA (Yunggondi?) is really good, if you get Wendy Nolan, Sid Sparrow or Keith McCon-something you'll have a great time. Very nice people. Wendy does contemporary social issues stuff and has alot of personal experiences that she shares...really brings alot of Indigenous issues to life.
I am familiar with the Findon road, Main North oppies (both very, very good) but am unfamiliar with the churchie one on Henley Beach road...I don't often go to churchie ones anymore simply because alot of them are shopped out and they have funny opening hours. There are two Salvo's on South road which are fantastic, the Glenelg/Brighton ones are good also as is one in Hallet Cove. Christies Beach is great, best jewellery and they sell everything...I was in there once and this tiny old man came in and enquired about walking frames...and they sold him one! They have alot of 70s light fittings and stuff you won't find elsewhere...Magill Salvo's has good clothing as does Port Adelaide and Elizabeth. In case you can't tell, I'm addicted to Salvo's...I like the way they're set up like a huge rummage store, they have alot of range and you're more likely to find something. I need a fix at least once a week