bad things happen when the tequila starts emptying from the bottle. I know my limit but my roommate didnt.... he's sleeping in the bathroom right now covered with sharpie tattoos. we gave him a nice skull and cross bones and a pirate scar on his cheek among other slanderis text. I hope he's a good sport about it in the morning. he's a really cool guy, but thats what you get when you break out the tekillya on a perfectly good beer evening

but it sure was tasty
and im not vegan
go figure
Yummy, yummy. 24 hour mexican-taco shops. One of my favorites. There isn't one close to my house which is probably good. We are sooo lucky living in San Diego County....people don't even know what they are missing.
I ended up being corrupt last night and ate half a Butterfinger bar. That's all I could find. I need to find time to go to the grocery store too....maybe after the movie....