ok so... as most of my frined know i was havine a problem with this absyst (?) thing on my bikini line from shaving... started out as an ingrown hair but while trying to take care of it it became much worse... i had it for about a week and it kept getting bigger and bigger. usually (we all know this) when you have an ingrown hair you put a heat pad on there for a bit to open the pore and draw the hair out. well i was doing that for a week straight... instead the infection was grown off the heat. this infection was HUGE... so big to the point i could barely walk at all. well finally afeter justin talked to his friend john he came home and told me i need to stop putting the heat on there that its more then likely making it worse. so i stopped and when i looked to the infection i had noticed that it had started to take over my crotch area and my upper left leg. the infection was so deep that it had hit a nerve and caused my leg to go numb... well me being scared i call my mom to talk to her about. i have a very very very high tolerance for pain... so if i get hurt and i cry... that means its BAD... so i was in tears when talking to my mom and explaining to her what was wrong.... while at the time i ran to the bathroom and just collapsed on the floor ready to vomit and i was in a daze so my mom got on teh phone with justin and pretty much told him to send me to the hospital. well lets skip the 4 hours i spent waiting in the waiting room. they finally look at me and decided that i needed to go to surgery right away. the doctor told me that if i had waited like another day or 2 that it could have killed me. so i had my surgery and have to go back on monday to get my wounds checked out to make sure they are coming along good. they have me on lots of pain pills and antibiotics and shit. anyways i guess thats it. i know some people were worried cause i had talked to them before i left for the hopspital but i just wanted to let you all know that im fine now.

wow im glad you're ok....get better soon!!!
aww thanks you guys are darlings!