I hate things are going right now.
Flying back home for a week. I have to take care of some things with my license and hunt down that son of a bitch that tried to kill my best friend and set her on fire. I will seek my revenge on that fucker in court.
Ary is pretty much a bitch and moved to miami but I stil love her hehehehe. Now I have an excuse to go there, lol
My dog has been on a sickly roller coaster. One day he's vomitting and seizureing and the next he's totally fine. I'm scared.
I fucked up my ankle but its getting better.
I miss him a bunch
I painted a bad ass star wars picture. Its pretty gnarly. I'm giving it to a high school friend. He says he's putting it over his fireplace.... I told him it would look better if it were hanging in the attic hahaha.
That's pretty much it. I'm going back to bourt TV. Peace bitches!!!!
Flying back home for a week. I have to take care of some things with my license and hunt down that son of a bitch that tried to kill my best friend and set her on fire. I will seek my revenge on that fucker in court.
Ary is pretty much a bitch and moved to miami but I stil love her hehehehe. Now I have an excuse to go there, lol
My dog has been on a sickly roller coaster. One day he's vomitting and seizureing and the next he's totally fine. I'm scared.
I fucked up my ankle but its getting better.
I miss him a bunch
I painted a bad ass star wars picture. Its pretty gnarly. I'm giving it to a high school friend. He says he's putting it over his fireplace.... I told him it would look better if it were hanging in the attic hahaha.
That's pretty much it. I'm going back to bourt TV. Peace bitches!!!!
