so tonight i finally got rid of the "fiance" for fucking good!!!! so much fucking bullshit and drama and im so glad its done and over with. he leaves to go back to Maryland TOMORROW!!!!!!! he was nothing but a fucking sickly obsessed phsyco. telling me that hes never going to leave me and that im mental and need to figure out issues and that i know i really want him... HAHAHAHAHAHA are you fucking kidding me!!!!! me want him??? i think NOT!! im sorry but theres only one boy i want and greg doesnt come anywhere close to him at all. but he pulled so much bullshit with me and thank god its over. he sat there pretty much saying hes not going anywhere... tried to play it tough with me and shit like he was some fucking big guy... so i played his little game back and said to him :
"you have only 2 options... we either 1 call this off and go our ways OR 2 i marry you then divorce you in a year and take all your shit. so which will it be?"
i think once i finally told him that he realized he was being a crazy bitch. which he didnt really cause hes still fucking crazy. THEN he fucked me over which i should have saw it coming and decided that he wasnt going to pay me for the rent. WTF! for 2 months i bought that little prick ass son of a bitch EVERYTHING!!! we agreed that he would pay for this months rent and bills since i am broke due to paying everything for him. fucking little bitch. im so happy that hes leaving tomorrow. now i will be drama free and i wont be so damn depressed anymore. now i can actually have my friends come over and chill without some little bitch in the corner freaking out. i can fucking go out to my friends houses without him calling me 50,000 times. i will actually have money because i will no longer have to buy shit for him anymore.
my life has finally become amazing again!!!!!
so yeah... sorry for the long ranting and venting... but damn i feel great for dropping that mother fucker!
SOOOO.... whos coming over to see me next weekend???
so tonight i finally got rid of the "fiance" for fucking good!!!! so much fucking bullshit and drama and im so glad its done and over with. he leaves to go back to Maryland TOMORROW!!!!!!! he was nothing but a fucking sickly obsessed phsyco. telling me that hes never going to leave me and that im mental and need to figure out issues and that i know i really want him... HAHAHAHAHAHA are you fucking kidding me!!!!! me want him??? i think NOT!! im sorry but theres only one boy i want and greg doesnt come anywhere close to him at all. but he pulled so much bullshit with me and thank god its over. he sat there pretty much saying hes not going anywhere... tried to play it tough with me and shit like he was some fucking big guy... so i played his little game back and said to him :
"you have only 2 options... we either 1 call this off and go our ways OR 2 i marry you then divorce you in a year and take all your shit. so which will it be?"
i think once i finally told him that he realized he was being a crazy bitch. which he didnt really cause hes still fucking crazy. THEN he fucked me over which i should have saw it coming and decided that he wasnt going to pay me for the rent. WTF! for 2 months i bought that little prick ass son of a bitch EVERYTHING!!! we agreed that he would pay for this months rent and bills since i am broke due to paying everything for him. fucking little bitch. im so happy that hes leaving tomorrow. now i will be drama free and i wont be so damn depressed anymore. now i can actually have my friends come over and chill without some little bitch in the corner freaking out. i can fucking go out to my friends houses without him calling me 50,000 times. i will actually have money because i will no longer have to buy shit for him anymore.
my life has finally become amazing again!!!!!
so yeah... sorry for the long ranting and venting... but damn i feel great for dropping that mother fucker!
SOOOO.... whos coming over to see me next weekend???

I doing alright myself to let you know.