yeah sooo..... tonight... i went to justins dads house to pick up my car....
someone fucking broke into it. THEY STOLE EVERYTHING FROM ME!!!! my life was in my fucking car. im sooooo fucking pissed and heart broken and in shock. i just dont know what to think at the moment.
they stole my stereo ($350), pretty much all my clothes ($1000), i believe my camera bag and equipment ($1500-$2000), my birth certificate, social security card, and credit card information.
come to find out they have been using my credit card information to thier advantage. right now some piece of shit crack headed redneck is running around STEALING my fucking life. and nevermind the fact that my facking car on the inside is DEMOLISHED. they ripped the dashboard apart to steal my stereo, and you can tell they tried to hot wire it to steal it. tore out all my fuses. we believe they also loosened my lug nuts... i mean its was pretty much fucking sabatoge.
so i pretty much spent my sat. night cancaling my credit card, filing for identity theft, talking with cops, getting my car dusted for prints... and... uhh....
like who the fuck would do that to me?!?! yeah i may be a bitch... but i do soooooooooo many nice things. i try to help out anyone and everyone i can. if someone needs something i give it to them... WHY FUCKING STEAL FROM ME?!?!?! why?
well i hope they find the fuckers that did this to me. both the cops and all my friends and family that are keeping a look out for them. because let me tell you... if me or my friends and family find them before the cops.... they have it fucking coming to them. they will fucking feel the wrath... and i will not take pitty on them... and once i beat thier fucking ass... i will take them to court and sue them for EVERYTHING those pieces of shit have. i will own thier fucking lives.
you DONT fuck with me!!!!
someone fucking broke into it. THEY STOLE EVERYTHING FROM ME!!!! my life was in my fucking car. im sooooo fucking pissed and heart broken and in shock. i just dont know what to think at the moment.
they stole my stereo ($350), pretty much all my clothes ($1000), i believe my camera bag and equipment ($1500-$2000), my birth certificate, social security card, and credit card information.
come to find out they have been using my credit card information to thier advantage. right now some piece of shit crack headed redneck is running around STEALING my fucking life. and nevermind the fact that my facking car on the inside is DEMOLISHED. they ripped the dashboard apart to steal my stereo, and you can tell they tried to hot wire it to steal it. tore out all my fuses. we believe they also loosened my lug nuts... i mean its was pretty much fucking sabatoge.
so i pretty much spent my sat. night cancaling my credit card, filing for identity theft, talking with cops, getting my car dusted for prints... and... uhh....
like who the fuck would do that to me?!?! yeah i may be a bitch... but i do soooooooooo many nice things. i try to help out anyone and everyone i can. if someone needs something i give it to them... WHY FUCKING STEAL FROM ME?!?!?! why?
well i hope they find the fuckers that did this to me. both the cops and all my friends and family that are keeping a look out for them. because let me tell you... if me or my friends and family find them before the cops.... they have it fucking coming to them. they will fucking feel the wrath... and i will not take pitty on them... and once i beat thier fucking ass... i will take them to court and sue them for EVERYTHING those pieces of shit have. i will own thier fucking lives.
you DONT fuck with me!!!!

Sorry to hear. Hope they find the bastards.

eeek. Karma will bite them in the arse. I hope you get a happy ending in this little set-back.