OK... so... last night im watching music videos... and pretty much rocking out hardcore in my bedroom to the musical love of my life (not telling anyone yet)... and it hit me...
"OMG how cool would it be to have my first SG set pretty much dedicated to her and her first worldwide hit single?!?!!?"
so of course what do you think the first thing i do is? i IMed joe naturally!!! so now we have the perfect theme for my first SG and im excited as all hell... now this means i get to go shopping and buy what i need... and make this shit happen once him and jacklyn get back from tampa...
now im not going to tell anyone exactly what the shoot is supposed to be... BUT we can all play the guessing game... i will give you 3 hints... and then you guys can guess away... this is going to be so fucking easy
1. awesome 80's
2. pretty much invented a certain dance move that Brittney Spears thought she could make her own but couldnt
3. no one can make a mullet look better then she did!!!
if that isnt giveing you the answer then i dont know what is... so... enjoy guessing... and just think... worse come to worse... if you dont get it... its ok... cause soon i will have shot the set and you'll see it!
"OMG how cool would it be to have my first SG set pretty much dedicated to her and her first worldwide hit single?!?!!?"
so of course what do you think the first thing i do is? i IMed joe naturally!!! so now we have the perfect theme for my first SG and im excited as all hell... now this means i get to go shopping and buy what i need... and make this shit happen once him and jacklyn get back from tampa...
now im not going to tell anyone exactly what the shoot is supposed to be... BUT we can all play the guessing game... i will give you 3 hints... and then you guys can guess away... this is going to be so fucking easy
1. awesome 80's
2. pretty much invented a certain dance move that Brittney Spears thought she could make her own but couldnt
3. no one can make a mullet look better then she did!!!
if that isnt giveing you the answer then i dont know what is... so... enjoy guessing... and just think... worse come to worse... if you dont get it... its ok... cause soon i will have shot the set and you'll see it!