MY MOM COMES BACK IN 1-2 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im excited as shit! i cant wait to see her... well i mean... when she gets back into the states she will be stationed at some military base near savanah GA for de-briefing.... BUT thats only for like 2 weeks. so i guess its really going to be like a month before i see her... may15th thats when i see her... i know this cause she called me and told me... and we made our plans to runaway to disney world for 3 days, LOL... i mean it sucks that its still going to be a month before i see her... but atleast she wont be in Iraq anymore and thats all that matters in my eyes.
i just hope shes not like massively fucked up in the head and in like MAJOR war mode.... cause then that means its going to take her even LONGER to be de-briefed.... then who will i go to disney with, lol.
when my mom gets here to visit me in FL me and her are going to spend some alone time at disney during the day... no husbands, no boyfriends, no friends... no one but me and mom... which i havent tech. seen her in almost 2 years. (i didnt see her when i was living in Philly then once i got to FL she got shipped to Iraq... so its been hard to see her, lol) i think that time together has been long overdue. BUT..... at night she wants to go out drinking and meet all my friends and see justins band play and go to a show and shit....
SO... with that being said... once my mom gets back from Iraq and is here in FL who wants to chill with us one night... i know youre thinking "ummm hang out with you and your mom?!?!?!" my mom is like fucking a million times more kick ass then i am... she likes to drink... go to shows... she steals my CDs... shes exactly like me... but older... and from what my BF and friends tell me... my moms a MILF, LOL... so... in the words of peter griffin... come on... come on... COME ON.... we'll have a good time... go out drinking... chillin out maxin relaxing out cool... maybe shoot some b-ball outside of the school... umm... sorry i was bustin a fresh prince (i havent slept in a while... forgive my sleepy haha's... im hopped up on diet pills and just got done working out and im AMPED like a mother fucker, LOL....)
so yeah i went completely off track... mom is coming back from iraq... she'll be here from May 15th to whenever she decides to leave... during the day me and her are spending alone time together.... at night she wants to meet everyone.... who wants to join?!
but yeah... im going to get going... i feel a lot better then i did yesterday... i found out 2 of my girlfriends were sick yesterday and throwing up... so i guess it wasnt just me... maybe a bug is going around... so be careful guys... dont get sick!!!!!
OH... and thanks for all the lovely emails wishing me to get better... that was sweet of you guys... i brafed my brains out yesterday... like im seriously dumber then i used to be... for fuck sakes READ the damn entry i just wrote!!!! ITS ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!!!!!!!! lol... i have to fart and take care bitches!!!! lol
oh and anyone wanna go shopping today? i need to get some hot things for a few photoshoots i have coming up.
im excited as shit! i cant wait to see her... well i mean... when she gets back into the states she will be stationed at some military base near savanah GA for de-briefing.... BUT thats only for like 2 weeks. so i guess its really going to be like a month before i see her... may15th thats when i see her... i know this cause she called me and told me... and we made our plans to runaway to disney world for 3 days, LOL... i mean it sucks that its still going to be a month before i see her... but atleast she wont be in Iraq anymore and thats all that matters in my eyes.
i just hope shes not like massively fucked up in the head and in like MAJOR war mode.... cause then that means its going to take her even LONGER to be de-briefed.... then who will i go to disney with, lol.
when my mom gets here to visit me in FL me and her are going to spend some alone time at disney during the day... no husbands, no boyfriends, no friends... no one but me and mom... which i havent tech. seen her in almost 2 years. (i didnt see her when i was living in Philly then once i got to FL she got shipped to Iraq... so its been hard to see her, lol) i think that time together has been long overdue. BUT..... at night she wants to go out drinking and meet all my friends and see justins band play and go to a show and shit....
SO... with that being said... once my mom gets back from Iraq and is here in FL who wants to chill with us one night... i know youre thinking "ummm hang out with you and your mom?!?!?!" my mom is like fucking a million times more kick ass then i am... she likes to drink... go to shows... she steals my CDs... shes exactly like me... but older... and from what my BF and friends tell me... my moms a MILF, LOL... so... in the words of peter griffin... come on... come on... COME ON.... we'll have a good time... go out drinking... chillin out maxin relaxing out cool... maybe shoot some b-ball outside of the school... umm... sorry i was bustin a fresh prince (i havent slept in a while... forgive my sleepy haha's... im hopped up on diet pills and just got done working out and im AMPED like a mother fucker, LOL....)
so yeah i went completely off track... mom is coming back from iraq... she'll be here from May 15th to whenever she decides to leave... during the day me and her are spending alone time together.... at night she wants to meet everyone.... who wants to join?!
but yeah... im going to get going... i feel a lot better then i did yesterday... i found out 2 of my girlfriends were sick yesterday and throwing up... so i guess it wasnt just me... maybe a bug is going around... so be careful guys... dont get sick!!!!!

oh and anyone wanna go shopping today? i need to get some hot things for a few photoshoots i have coming up.
it is mega-horrible
and I'd totally hang out with your mom!
haha she sounds amazing