yea so im back, nothing new has happened since i have been gone. my ex came into the store tonight TWICE begging me to take him back and i kept saying no, he said we could keep it a secret.. FUCK THAT SHIT!!!! i dont want to be with him and he just doesnt understand. its like giving a first grader an algebra problem. but i found out that i have to work 3pm-11pm on thanks giving. it sux cuz this will be the 2nd yr in a row that i couldnt make it. maybe if i bat my eyelashes he will let me have it off. i need the money though. i havent seen much of my sister in the past like 3 days. she went to concerts and i have to work so its crazy. tomorrow i wont see her cuz im heading up to the barn and then im going to see saw 2 with my friend emily. i heard it was really good.. i love the first one so i hope its that good. i had a really bad night last night. i went to my friends house and she was taking care of her friends 6 horses. we were calling them in for dinner and they were just runnig around. it sounded like 2 hit. so we went out there and found out one of them was lying on the ground. i stayed by him side and waited while anita(my friend called the vets) it was really cold and really wet. it was pouring. i took off my sweatshirt and used it to wipe off the blood taht was pouring out of his nose. in the end the vet had to put him to sleep
when the two horses hit it broke bones in his neck and broke bones in his nose and was drowning in his own blood. he had a gash on his forehead and the vet thought he was shot.. but he wasnt. the vet said he had very bad brain damage when he fell to the ground and if he got there a little later he would of died on his own...well. im getting sad thinking about it. have a good night everyone....
my granddad had horses, In my limited experience, horses seem to die of the of the strangest things. grandads favorite mare rolled around on the ground, and twisted her gut. This was over twenty years ago and all I can remember is that the vet couldn't do a damn thing. at least you got the vet to him soon enough to keep him from suffering. miss elly (grandads mare) seemed to be in a lot of pain before the vet got to her. anyway, hang in there and don't let it get you down
Sorry to hear about the horse - it makes me sad too. As for your ex - I suppose mace or pepper spray would be overkill, but it's the thought that counts