ugh. work sux. thats all i have to say. well besides all of the hot guys that work there. is like eating at an all u can eat buffet. yummm... i have met some cool kids from far away. like Chilie, south africa, and jamaica. they have some good stories to tell me. i am even teaching one of the ppl i work with how...
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yea so i finally got my fatass to be motivated to write. i um... have been working ass off. it seems that if im not working then im gettting ready to go to bed. even on my days off i have to go to work. i finally got ride of my fear of heights. @ my work we have an indoor climbing wall and once...
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you were never you.
who was she then?
yea so im back, and in action, i wont be writing much i really dont have the time. i just moved into my new house and just got my internet back. um.. i am working 60 hrs the next two weeks so i wont really be around. i will be too busy working and when i get home im gunna crash
thanx for waiting around...
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thanx for waiting around...
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Welcome back, however briefly. Missed ya hun!
hm.. well after im done writing this im going to go download my new picture of my tattoo. its starting to peel now so it aint looking so good. hm... i really dont want to go to classes tomorrow. i found a little joke for you that made me laugh.
This man goes to the doctor complaining with elbow pain. The doctor tells him ok,...
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This man goes to the doctor complaining with elbow pain. The doctor tells him ok,...
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fried pickels?
fried pickels?
its my sisters birthday today and i got my new ink yesterday... woohoo i will have a pic of it soon but im in the midle of moveing and i lost my camera. my eyes hurt and im tiered so im heading off to bed really early..
yea so i just got out of work and i am sick as hell. i think its gunna be a rough one. i usually get bronchitus about twice a year, im up all night coughing. oh well what makes me feel a lot better is i am getting my tattoo tomorrow....maybe. and i get the day off. WOOOHOO
ahhh...go to bed! stop walking around...and dont wake me up in the mornings god damnit!
you shouldnt get one when you are immune system is low...
and i think you should get me one for my bday since i took you to see 311 for yours!
and i think you should get me one for my bday since i took you to see 311 for yours!
hmm... im very bored. i woke up took my shepard for a walk went to my work and got my winter uniforms and then went to class. i dont really have much to say.. what is today the 14th??? well if it is then its only 5 more days till my sisters 22nd birthday... shes old.. heheh. i remember when she was just a little...
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OMG - almost 22! Poor girl.
Don't worry, little shits grow up to be... ummm...maybe that's not the right train of thought after all.
As for my "secret" there are actually two.
1) as the immortal groucho marx once remarked, "you're as young as the woman you feel."
2) constant masturbation - you should try it
Don't worry, little shits grow up to be... ummm...maybe that's not the right train of thought after all.
As for my "secret" there are actually two.
1) as the immortal groucho marx once remarked, "you're as young as the woman you feel."
2) constant masturbation - you should try it
yea so im back, nothing new has happened since i have been gone. my ex came into the store tonight TWICE begging me to take him back and i kept saying no, he said we could keep it a secret.. FUCK THAT SHIT!!!! i dont want to be with him and he just doesnt understand. its like giving a first grader an algebra problem. but...
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my granddad had horses, In my limited experience, horses seem to die of the of the strangest things. grandads favorite mare rolled around on the ground, and twisted her gut. This was over twenty years ago and all I can remember is that the vet couldn't do a damn thing. at least you got the vet to him soon enough to keep him from suffering. miss elly (grandads mare) seemed to be in a lot of pain before the vet got to her. anyway, hang in there and don't let it get you down
Sorry to hear about the horse - it makes me sad too. As for your ex - I suppose mace or pepper spray would be overkill, but it's the thought that counts
oh god how life in lincoln really sux. im not really sure what to write, my sister is at a slipknot concert so its nice and quiet around here. and hey! i actually get to use my own laptop. she is usually on it more than i am. i get bored on the internet, there isnt that much to do besides check your comments, write...
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I was going to go to that show, too! I think I'm seeing her tomorrow at NIN, though.
hm... im feeling a little bored and a little depressed today. i dont want to go to work from 3-11, and my exboyfriend is still stalking me. i noticed that the more journal entries you do the less people comment on them. but oh well. The party last night really sucked. All it did was give me a massive headache. I was suppose to go...
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Damn - my dirty IQ is pretty low. I only got two right.
Guess I better study hard, or something...
By the way, you'll find that the more you write, the more strange people will wander into your journal. Not sure if that's a good thing or not ;-)
Of course, the more pics you put up, the more gushing praise you'll hear - and that's definitely a good thing, right?
Guess I better study hard, or something...
By the way, you'll find that the more you write, the more strange people will wander into your journal. Not sure if that's a good thing or not ;-)
Of course, the more pics you put up, the more gushing praise you'll hear - and that's definitely a good thing, right?
dress-up ideas - oh so many choices depending on how much spare time & energy you can muster. king kong would probably be too much effort.
[Edited on Jan 11, 2006 10:12PM]