sunday!! my favorite day of the week.
a day of relaxing, watching tv, drinking and eating. we had a discussion at lunch yesterday that got uncomfortable for me. i was not born in the us, hence i am not a citizen. i live here legally, pay my taxes etc. i have a green card and that is my document saying i can be here. the topic was about immigration. of course it turned into uneducated redneck talk about how anybody thats not from here needs to go back. they're taking all our jobs etc. then the green card issue came up how its bullshit that people go through our apprenticeship with one. i mentioned that they have a legal document and have every right to do what they need to here. i mentioned i have one. all of a sudden it became allright as long as its a valid document. they talk about how "mexicans" take all the welfare etc. i worked in a grocery store when i was in high school. i was a cashier and in 3 years there i never saw a "mexican" misuse the welfare system. it does piss me off that they dont bother to speak english or learn it the right way. it bothers me that they stick to themselves instead of "mixing it up" with other people. what bothers me the most is uneducated arguments. anyway.
i love the way this girl talks.
well im off to watch the finals of the kremlin cup with this hottie playing in the final.

i love the way this girl talks.
well im off to watch the finals of the kremlin cup with this hottie playing in the final.

Krelm ROCKS!