its been a tough 3 weeks since i took over our safety gang. whenever there is a change at the top you always tweak things a little to make things to your own liking. ive done that and we are starting to run good. i had to get rid of a popular, yet no one wanted to work with her, person. the old boss thinks i underminded him and took over his spot. so two people hate me. the boss lost his spot because he quit showing up because the job was too stressfull and he wanted more help. while he was at home drinking his sorrows away i was running the gang making it happen. i was promoted he was demoted. the girl would show up consistently and it got old for me. she had to go. her husband even came on the job to have "words with me". i walked by him three or four times and he never said anything. oh well. it has been very stressful. so stressful that the only day off i get, sunday, i spent dreading monday and how busy we were going to be. i talked to a good friend of mine who is also a foreman. how do you deal with the pressure? i asked him. he said he lines the men out to the best of his ability and then lets it go. what happens happens. ive done that the last two days and ive noticed that the days arent as stressful. that may be good advice for life too. if its out of your hands then let it be. its worked so far. the venetian safety people seem to like me pretty well and work with me alot. they are not the evil people who are on our ass that the previous boss used to tell us. they work with me and i work with them. it all works out. we are finishing the 48th floor. two more to go and then the roof. then we drop back to street level and do a theatre there. i cant wait for that part.
i am going to an absinthe party on saturday. i have never tried the stuff before. only heard of it. i got a babysitter for the kids since i plan to spend the night. i dont know how i will react to it. i hope i get some action though. playing doubles is alot funner than singles.
and now this
for a carpenter, shes pretty hot.
i am going to an absinthe party on saturday. i have never tried the stuff before. only heard of it. i got a babysitter for the kids since i plan to spend the night. i dont know how i will react to it. i hope i get some action though. playing doubles is alot funner than singles.

and now this

for a carpenter, shes pretty hot.
From what I've read about that stuff y ou should be in for an interesting time - have fun
I hope tomorrow is fun. (actually, I hope the bottle gets to Susi's house, it's not there yet
I love you, babe.