Haha! No that's totally funny!
I just wanted to thank you for your support and constructive comment on my set, I really appreciate it!
I know the lighting is pretty bad, I'll make sure to get that right in the next set, so no more shooting at the end of the day for me. I sure learned a lot in this process, and am determined to shoot a muuuch more professional set in a couple of months!
Don't worry, I didn't think so at all! Imo, it takes more effort to give constructive critique in a comment than just saying you like everything about a set/girl/whatever, so I really appreciate you took the time to do so! I'm not easily offended anyway, and I like hearing other's opinions on what I do so that I can improve myself.
A big part of learning and improving is looking at yourself through the eyes of others.
And yes, Nutella rocks big time!
I am freakin' stoked. Been looking forward to this weekend for a while now. I didn't have as much fun as I'd hoped last night, but deciding to walk home was a good choice-- just about three miles, per the ubiquitous power of the google. Just enough to clear my head a bit.
And now my car's all packed to drive up to the mountains... Read More
Sounds a little fishy, but interesting stuff nonetheless.
Happy anniversary, Roswell, N.M. It was 65 years ago today that the Roswell Daily Record blasted an infamous headline claiming local military officials had captured a flying saucer on a nearby ranch. And now, a former CIA agent says it really happened.
"It was not a damn weather balloon -- it was what it was billed when... Read More
Hah. It's a little past midnight. The wind is howling, there's lightning flickering and dancing all across the horizon. . . and there are happy drunk people singing out in the street below my balcony.
I love storm light. You know. . . that weird yellowish, greenish cast the air gets when there are really serious storms rolling around. It's eerie, because it happens before the actual storm starts-- frequently with the sun still shining. I heard the tornado sirens earlier when I was helping my buddy in his garden, and a tornado warning just interrupted the basketball game on... Read More
I suppose I should at least write a few blargs a year, huh? Maybe if I wrote more they'd be shorter, but that sounds like too much effort. . . and this gives me something to do while I check out some new tunes. I've fallen completely in love with Spotify, and Soundcloud is like the freakin' mother lode. Total godsend. Free music is great... Read More
We had monstrous gusts of wind here this morning. I took it as a good omen of the winds of change. So ready to get a fresh start on some things.
One resolution that shouldn't be too hard to keep; I've resolved to go bowling more this year. To that effect, I ordered a pair of bowling shoes. . . just got... Read More
Past 3 AM Sunday night/Monday morning, and I can't sleep. And I need sleep. But at least I'm finally a little closer to caught up. Sorry if I haven't returned messages, I've barely been on the internets at all the last couple weeks.
I went out two Thursdays ago to see Sunshine Jones, one of my old school favorite DJ/electronic artists. It was a live... Read More
Random fun night for a Monday. I got to meet some of my online friends for the first time. Not SG members-- people from a different site that I frequent. I've talked to some of these people for five-six years now, but I'd only met two of them in person-- once each. I got to meet four new peeps from that site tonight, as well... Read More
Agreed, the site drives me insane a little ( a lot) 1 minute it tells me i have a message next thing there's nothing there......must be me just having zero clue. Thanks for the offer for help - i will definately take you up on it when required, I hope you are a patient person......
Mmmmm... I love pickles! I get so much sun in my city garden it is hard not to sun scorch the peppers, cilantro, basil, mint, and catnip! So far so good this season. *crosses fingers for a good pepper crop*
I started in burlesque in 2008, helping Salome out with her acts. Then in January of 2009 I made my solo burlesque debut. I started my maternity leave when I was 3 months pregnant with my second baby, and got back on the stage 3 months after having given birth. That amounted to a 9 month hiatus, during which time I went to shows and kept dreaming up new acts. The very first solo act I performed was to Weird Al's "White and Nerdy" and the act I'm performing at this week's show is "Feelin' Good" (a very traditional song for burlesque). You might say I'm versatile!