1) I'm probably the only one that weird @ this site, but honestly, I really don't care about the boobies, pussies and butts here. I mean, I love seeing gorgeous naked ladies but I the things I really enjoy in the sets are their looks, their faces, bodymodifications and the qiality of photography.
Just always wanted to get this off my chest.
p.s.: Check out Sawa's latest set! her smile stole my heart!!!

2) The update I was 100% sure I posted here... damn my bad memory (written in september)
Things have been going mostly well lately.
Out trip to Portugal was fantastic, I love this country so much, the climate is simply awesome.
m a n y s u n n y P I C T U R E S ! ! !
My new university is great. Good location, very nice old building with a classis university atmosphere and people and teachers are not so smug as in my pervious one.
Although it's hard to study with those who have just graduated from high school, because they are so irresponsible and so childish sometimes. Haven't met anyone interesting yet (we do have interesting people, i just never got to knowing any fo them), but that's ok, because this time I do to university to study and I have my personal life separately.
In bad news I have been feeling no so good lately, my health problems are starting to show themselves more and more often. Like today. I'm writing this because I just couldn't go to the uni, I felt too sick. No need to worry now (at least I hope so), I'm gonna visit a doctor really soon.
Well, what else can I say.
It's autumn and I feel good, because I feel like my soul is alive and I feel like I reborn every autumn.
I'm sitting at home most of my time and suffer a artist's block though, but I hope some of my friends will help me get out of this and I think that when the leaves will become yellow, I'll just have to start at least going to walks with my camera.
Like this one, when my lovely Llama (my boyfriend) practically forced me to go out and take a few pics... we had a great time)
Well, I guess that's it for now.
Thank you for still reading me, hope I was at least a bit interesting %))
With hugs, Marie.
Are you reading a Uni-program or taking separate courses?