things are in utter upheaval. not really but sort of. i am not a good saturday nite multitasker. i know this. i can not find the 'bro' (one hitter, which was full). my roommate has taken the 'good pipe'. i am in a chat right now that is going alright (what up chiquita?). and i am having to resort to the worst pipe in the world to smoke this 'tobacco'.
the stress is arriving in the form of the party next door. why an eight year old is having a birthday party at ten thirty at night is beyond me. i am mostly concerned w/ getting high and watching this imminent pinata action.
i always thought it would be funny to pack bees in one of those things. not for the kids of course, just stupid adults.
out for now.
the stress is arriving in the form of the party next door. why an eight year old is having a birthday party at ten thirty at night is beyond me. i am mostly concerned w/ getting high and watching this imminent pinata action.
i always thought it would be funny to pack bees in one of those things. not for the kids of course, just stupid adults.
out for now.
what up thirst? i luv bob hope....and ricky....and dave green. all good pals o' mine.