this is what happens when you are up late, loaded, and chatting w/ another sg who lives like one year in the future. or ten years back. you decide.....
(8:53:51 AM) You have just entered room "sgchat."
(8:57:13 AM) JAMthecode has entered the room.
JAMthecode (8:57:35 AM): anyone like the song 'My
thirstysg (9:00:09 AM): by you know, like, the romantics?
thirstysg (9:00:22 AM): or the knack?
JAMthecode (9:00:38 AM): nirvana... actually
JAMthecode (9:00:52 AM): don't sick me
JAMthecode (9:01:14 AM): I'm in the process of
'rediscovering my youth'!
JAMthecode (9:01:30 AM): and I know it's a cover from
thirstysg (9:01:44 AM): you mustve been born not long ago
JAMthecode (9:01:52 AM): 25 this year
thirstysg (9:01:59 AM): right on
JAMthecode (9:02:04 AM): your 31 right?
JAMthecode (9:02:30 AM): so should I do a search for the
romantics to get the original?
thirstysg (9:03:19 AM): so says the pro
thirstysg (9:03:46 AM): you should search any regular record
store, but really it was the knack
JAMthecode (9:04:23 AM): yes... I've got an mp3 from the
knack coming on down the pipe... I haven't
brought a CD in years
JAMthecode (9:04:47 AM): just tell me man.... if you are in
texas, what fucking time is it??!?!?!
thirstysg (9:05:04 AM): umm, it's about nine am
thirstysg (9:05:08 AM): and it s hot
JAMthecode (9:05:17 AM): 9am.... either you are an early
riser, or you never slept!
thirstysg (9:05:18 AM): and im up on an all nite riot
thirstysg (9:05:29 AM): i'll take the latter
JAMthecode (9:05:42 AM): oh yeah..... if it's a riot, wtf are
you going in front of your computer?!
thirstysg (9:05:59 AM): kidding. everyone went home
thirstysg (9:06:07 AM): im staying up all day on the day off
JAMthecode (9:06:08 AM): hate that...........
thirstysg (9:06:26 AM): where are you ?
JAMthecode (9:06:29 AM): yeah... I do that often... 2 days
for the price of 1.... well... not really, but its
JAMthecode (9:06:34 AM): in sydney australia
thirstysg (9:06:44 AM): right on
JAMthecode (9:06:46 AM): listening to henry rollins
thirstysg (9:06:48 AM): go coopers
thirstysg (9:06:55 AM): spoken or yelling?
JAMthecode (9:07:06 AM): coopers rules...... nothing like a
dark full bodied beer
JAMthecode (9:07:09 AM): yelling
thirstysg (9:07:23 AM): flag or solo?
JAMthecode (9:07:35 AM): its from nice.... its called hello
JAMthecode (9:07:48 AM): his spoken is pretty funny though
thirstysg (9:08:00 AM): i think i know you?
thirstysg (9:08:09 AM): """
thirstysg (9:08:11 AM): ?
thirstysg (9:08:26 AM): ah, i get it
JAMthecode (9:08:42 AM): songs changed... now I'm
listening ot a pearl jam cover of smells like
team spirit
thirstysg (9:08:46 AM): well, im about to crank a record.
JAMthecode (9:09:02 AM): mmm.... that's a tough call.... let
me think
thirstysg (9:09:09 AM): you on sg?
JAMthecode (9:09:20 AM): yep.... <--- JAM
thirstysg (9:09:27 AM): like that?
JAMthecode (9:09:40 AM): are you cracking a record as in
putting one on, or recording one?
JAMthecode (9:09:43 AM): yes, like that
thirstysg (9:09:48 AM): putting one on
thirstysg (9:09:59 AM): and it was cranking, not cracking
JAMthecode (9:10:12 AM): cracker ;-)
JAMthecode (9:10:14 AM): heheh
JAMthecode (9:10:25 AM): brb...... (pit stop)
(9:10:43 AM) lucidEZRA has left the room.
JAMthecode (9:11:19 AM): back....
JAMthecode (9:11:31 AM): so you have a turntable there
and you're gonna put on some oldies?
thirstysg (9:11:56 AM): hold on
JAMthecode (9:12:20 AM): I see you like jarmusch.... he is
thirstysg (9:12:24 AM): hahaha, fishing w/ john
JAMthecode (9:12:36 AM): but your music tastes elude me
JAMthecode (9:12:59 AM): nope... I haven't seen fishing/j....
but I'm a huge john lurie fan
thirstysg (9:13:20 AM): man, you gotta check that out
thirstysg (9:13:36 AM): im sitting on that dvd, in fact, looking
at it, right now
JAMthecode (9:13:45 AM): yes... I tried to download it on
morpheus... but I couldn't get it
thirstysg (9:13:56 AM): i don't get 'music' and 'elude' alot
JAMthecode (9:14:01 AM): damn.... video store doesn't
stock it.... I'd buy if I could
JAMthecode (9:14:06 AM): JL rules
thirstysg (9:14:09 AM): it's champion
JAMthecode (9:14:16 AM): the original pimp!
thirstysg (9:14:30 AM): why does my 'music taste' 'elude'
JAMthecode (9:14:47 AM): cos' I hanve't hear virtually any
of it
thirstysg (9:16:46 AM): that's cool. i have no idea who hans
zimmer is.
JAMthecode (9:17:27 AM): hans zimmer does film
soundtracker.... he did the gladiator
soundtrack for example
thirstysg (9:19:19 AM): well, im more from the ennio
moricone (sp?) school myself when it comes
to soundtracks.
thirstysg (9:20:03 AM): and you know that the other people
in here are idle and recording this for what i'm
sure is gonna be a lame 'performance art'
thirstysg (9:21:01 AM): and how can you not be into the
beasts of bourbon enough to list them?
thirstysg (9:21:10 AM): kidding
JAMthecode (9:21:15 AM): you got the spelling right
thirstysg (9:22:11 AM): record:
thirstysg (9:22:17 AM): radio birdman
JAMthecode (9:22:21 AM): beasts of bourbon... the sound
very familiar... I'll get some tracks now and
report back......
thirstysg (9:22:29 AM): for you
JAMthecode (9:22:32 AM): but I am drinking bourbon as we
speak :-)
thirstysg (9:22:45 AM): hopefully
thirstysg (9:22:56 AM): what is it like wednesday next week
there now/
thirstysg (9:22:58 AM): ?
JAMthecode (9:23:21 AM): what are you crazy! Its saturday
morning 12:17am!
thirstysg (9:23:32 AM): same thing
JAMthecode (9:23:32 AM): so its friday morning for you
thirstysg (9:23:37 AM): umm ya
JAMthecode (9:23:54 AM): are you at work or are you an
unemployed bum?
thirstysg (9:23:55 AM): so it's like december there right?
thirstysg (9:24:06 AM): no man
thirstysg (9:24:11 AM): smoked primos all nite
thirstysg (9:24:16 AM): i tend bar
JAMthecode (9:24:19 AM): I wont dignify that with an
answer texan!
JAMthecode (9:24:30 AM): ah! the life of a barman
thirstysg (9:24:30 AM): im just up
thirstysg (9:24:55 AM): primos?
thirstysg (9:24:58 AM): anyone?
JAMthecode (9:25:23 AM): nope//// is that like a mexican
JAMthecode (9:25:37 AM): like tighly rolled tobacco?
thirstysg (9:25:59 AM): umm sort of. if you factor in the fact
that the weed in it, and the coke in it,
probably came from mexico
JAMthecode (9:26:22 AM): ahh... mexican week... ok... so
your talking spliffo!
JAMthecode (9:26:43 AM): rocket!.... joint... rerfer etc
thirstysg (9:26:52 AM): plus blow
thirstysg (9:26:55 AM): yes sir
JAMthecode (9:27:10 AM): whoa.... so I'm surpised you can
even type by this stage
thirstysg (9:27:21 AM): that, my friend, is why i am up. this is
why my typing is flawless.
JAMthecode (9:28:10 AM): ahaha.... when I'm roasting, I'm
hyperactive... tend to want to go riding on my
bike or talking at 1Million miles/hr
JAMthecode (9:28:48 AM): so what's it like livin' in texas
anyway.... is it hard avoiding the death
thirstysg (9:29:08 AM): well, i worked a submit to your
journal on the subject. and i might add it was
the only two.
thirstysg (9:29:24 AM): only if you start killing people
thirstysg (9:29:30 AM): and it's hot
thirstysg (9:29:40 AM): and you have to fight off indians
JAMthecode (9:29:41 AM): hehe... or if you're black I hear
thirstysg (9:30:11 AM): whoa, don't turn this into a country
teasers record.
JAMthecode (9:30:36 AM): I wouldnt understand anyway...
I don't have racial problems....
thirstysg (9:30:49 AM): me neither. i just drive a truck.
JAMthecode (9:31:20 AM): hey! I looked up beasts of
bourbon and there were no results!
thirstysg (9:31:39 AM): outrageous
thirstysg (9:31:45 AM): no kim salmon
thirstysg (9:31:51 AM): no tex perkins?
thirstysg (9:32:07 AM): what kind of ass search engine are
you using/
thirstysg (9:32:08 AM): ?
JAMthecode (9:32:15 AM): ok wait..... tex perkins.... what
other band was he in???
JAMthecode (9:32:45 AM): the cruel sea?
thirstysg (9:32:59 AM): yup
JAMthecode (9:33:19 AM): oh..... I knew it.... you dont like
nick cave do you?
thirstysg (9:33:50 AM): who doesn't?
JAMthecode (9:33:55 AM): me
thirstysg (9:34:14 AM): ah, well, then
thirstysg (9:34:23 AM): this wont treat you too well....
JAMthecode (9:34:38 AM): tex is ok though.... it's a little old
thirstysg (9:34:38 AM):
thirstysg (9:34:55 AM): no lime spiders fan either?
JAMthecode (9:35:02 AM): I lost respect for nick when he
did the duet with kylie monogue
JAMthecode (9:35:15 AM): iggy pop/./ no way!
JAMthecode (9:35:36 AM): crazy mutherfucker... thats just
about hte whole group.... only person missing
is tom waits
thirstysg (9:36:13 AM): umm i said lime spiders.
thirstysg (9:36:17 AM): not the stooges
JAMthecode (9:36:31 AM): kim gordon is... what
JAMthecode (9:36:37 AM): whats that band?
thirstysg (9:36:44 AM): wow, you are really not with it
thirstysg (9:36:49 AM): sonic youth
JAMthecode (9:36:53 AM): oh yeah
thirstysg (9:36:55 AM): is this a tutorial?
JAMthecode (9:36:56 AM): thats right....
JAMthecode (9:37:12 AM): no.... this is drunken master the
thirstysg (9:37:35 AM): hopefully no. nine
thirstysg (9:37:40 AM): alright im out
JAMthecode (9:37:41 AM): well.... my tastes are
a little more diverse than the alternative
MAIN stream
JAMthecode (9:37:43 AM): hehe
JAMthecode (9:37:50 AM): j/k
thirstysg (9:37:51 AM): im gonna go enjoy my
super profundo day
JAMthecode (9:37:58 AM): go do it man!
JAMthecode (9:38:08 AM): nice chatting with
your old ass!
JAMthecode (9:38:14 AM): old school muther
thirstysg (9:38:19 AM): ya, beasts of bourbon
and the lime spiders are pretty much up there,
w/ britney
JAMthecode (9:38:25 AM): whwhaa!
thirstysg (9:38:42 AM): good luck in the aus
underground dog
thirstysg (9:38:46 AM): out
JAMthecode (9:38:48 AM): oh please..... just
finish the spliff and get the fuck outta here!
thirstysg (9:38:48 AM): !
JAMthecode (9:39:01 AM): enough!
(8:53:51 AM) You have just entered room "sgchat."
(8:57:13 AM) JAMthecode has entered the room.
JAMthecode (8:57:35 AM): anyone like the song 'My
thirstysg (9:00:09 AM): by you know, like, the romantics?
thirstysg (9:00:22 AM): or the knack?
JAMthecode (9:00:38 AM): nirvana... actually
JAMthecode (9:00:52 AM): don't sick me

JAMthecode (9:01:14 AM): I'm in the process of
'rediscovering my youth'!
JAMthecode (9:01:30 AM): and I know it's a cover from
thirstysg (9:01:44 AM): you mustve been born not long ago
JAMthecode (9:01:52 AM): 25 this year
thirstysg (9:01:59 AM): right on
JAMthecode (9:02:04 AM): your 31 right?
JAMthecode (9:02:30 AM): so should I do a search for the
romantics to get the original?
thirstysg (9:03:19 AM): so says the pro
thirstysg (9:03:46 AM): you should search any regular record
store, but really it was the knack
JAMthecode (9:04:23 AM): yes... I've got an mp3 from the
knack coming on down the pipe... I haven't
brought a CD in years
JAMthecode (9:04:47 AM): just tell me man.... if you are in
texas, what fucking time is it??!?!?!
thirstysg (9:05:04 AM): umm, it's about nine am
thirstysg (9:05:08 AM): and it s hot
JAMthecode (9:05:17 AM): 9am.... either you are an early
riser, or you never slept!
thirstysg (9:05:18 AM): and im up on an all nite riot
thirstysg (9:05:29 AM): i'll take the latter
JAMthecode (9:05:42 AM): oh yeah..... if it's a riot, wtf are
you going in front of your computer?!
thirstysg (9:05:59 AM): kidding. everyone went home
thirstysg (9:06:07 AM): im staying up all day on the day off
JAMthecode (9:06:08 AM): hate that...........
thirstysg (9:06:26 AM): where are you ?
JAMthecode (9:06:29 AM): yeah... I do that often... 2 days
for the price of 1.... well... not really, but its
JAMthecode (9:06:34 AM): in sydney australia
thirstysg (9:06:44 AM): right on
JAMthecode (9:06:46 AM): listening to henry rollins
thirstysg (9:06:48 AM): go coopers
thirstysg (9:06:55 AM): spoken or yelling?
JAMthecode (9:07:06 AM): coopers rules...... nothing like a
dark full bodied beer
JAMthecode (9:07:09 AM): yelling
thirstysg (9:07:23 AM): flag or solo?
JAMthecode (9:07:35 AM): its from nice.... its called hello
JAMthecode (9:07:48 AM): his spoken is pretty funny though
thirstysg (9:08:00 AM): i think i know you?
thirstysg (9:08:09 AM): """
thirstysg (9:08:11 AM): ?
thirstysg (9:08:26 AM): ah, i get it
JAMthecode (9:08:42 AM): songs changed... now I'm
listening ot a pearl jam cover of smells like
team spirit
thirstysg (9:08:46 AM): well, im about to crank a record.
JAMthecode (9:09:02 AM): mmm.... that's a tough call.... let
me think
thirstysg (9:09:09 AM): you on sg?
JAMthecode (9:09:20 AM): yep.... <--- JAM
thirstysg (9:09:27 AM): like that?
JAMthecode (9:09:40 AM): are you cracking a record as in
putting one on, or recording one?
JAMthecode (9:09:43 AM): yes, like that
thirstysg (9:09:48 AM): putting one on
thirstysg (9:09:59 AM): and it was cranking, not cracking
JAMthecode (9:10:12 AM): cracker ;-)
JAMthecode (9:10:14 AM): heheh
JAMthecode (9:10:25 AM): brb...... (pit stop)
(9:10:43 AM) lucidEZRA has left the room.
JAMthecode (9:11:19 AM): back....
JAMthecode (9:11:31 AM): so you have a turntable there
and you're gonna put on some oldies?
thirstysg (9:11:56 AM): hold on
JAMthecode (9:12:20 AM): I see you like jarmusch.... he is
thirstysg (9:12:24 AM): hahaha, fishing w/ john
JAMthecode (9:12:36 AM): but your music tastes elude me
JAMthecode (9:12:59 AM): nope... I haven't seen fishing/j....
but I'm a huge john lurie fan
thirstysg (9:13:20 AM): man, you gotta check that out
thirstysg (9:13:36 AM): im sitting on that dvd, in fact, looking
at it, right now
JAMthecode (9:13:45 AM): yes... I tried to download it on
morpheus... but I couldn't get it
thirstysg (9:13:56 AM): i don't get 'music' and 'elude' alot
JAMthecode (9:14:01 AM): damn.... video store doesn't
stock it.... I'd buy if I could
JAMthecode (9:14:06 AM): JL rules
thirstysg (9:14:09 AM): it's champion
JAMthecode (9:14:16 AM): the original pimp!
thirstysg (9:14:30 AM): why does my 'music taste' 'elude'
JAMthecode (9:14:47 AM): cos' I hanve't hear virtually any
of it
thirstysg (9:16:46 AM): that's cool. i have no idea who hans
zimmer is.
JAMthecode (9:17:27 AM): hans zimmer does film
soundtracker.... he did the gladiator
soundtrack for example
thirstysg (9:19:19 AM): well, im more from the ennio
moricone (sp?) school myself when it comes
to soundtracks.
thirstysg (9:20:03 AM): and you know that the other people
in here are idle and recording this for what i'm
sure is gonna be a lame 'performance art'
thirstysg (9:21:01 AM): and how can you not be into the
beasts of bourbon enough to list them?
thirstysg (9:21:10 AM): kidding
JAMthecode (9:21:15 AM): you got the spelling right
thirstysg (9:22:11 AM): record:
thirstysg (9:22:17 AM): radio birdman
JAMthecode (9:22:21 AM): beasts of bourbon... the sound
very familiar... I'll get some tracks now and
report back......
thirstysg (9:22:29 AM): for you
JAMthecode (9:22:32 AM): but I am drinking bourbon as we
speak :-)
thirstysg (9:22:45 AM): hopefully
thirstysg (9:22:56 AM): what is it like wednesday next week
there now/
thirstysg (9:22:58 AM): ?
JAMthecode (9:23:21 AM): what are you crazy! Its saturday
morning 12:17am!
thirstysg (9:23:32 AM): same thing
JAMthecode (9:23:32 AM): so its friday morning for you
thirstysg (9:23:37 AM): umm ya
JAMthecode (9:23:54 AM): are you at work or are you an
unemployed bum?
thirstysg (9:23:55 AM): so it's like december there right?
thirstysg (9:24:06 AM): no man
thirstysg (9:24:11 AM): smoked primos all nite
thirstysg (9:24:16 AM): i tend bar
JAMthecode (9:24:19 AM): I wont dignify that with an
answer texan!
JAMthecode (9:24:30 AM): ah! the life of a barman
thirstysg (9:24:30 AM): im just up
thirstysg (9:24:55 AM): primos?
thirstysg (9:24:58 AM): anyone?
JAMthecode (9:25:23 AM): nope//// is that like a mexican
JAMthecode (9:25:37 AM): like tighly rolled tobacco?
thirstysg (9:25:59 AM): umm sort of. if you factor in the fact
that the weed in it, and the coke in it,
probably came from mexico
JAMthecode (9:26:22 AM): ahh... mexican week... ok... so
your talking spliffo!
JAMthecode (9:26:43 AM): rocket!.... joint... rerfer etc
thirstysg (9:26:52 AM): plus blow
thirstysg (9:26:55 AM): yes sir
JAMthecode (9:27:10 AM): whoa.... so I'm surpised you can
even type by this stage
thirstysg (9:27:21 AM): that, my friend, is why i am up. this is
why my typing is flawless.
JAMthecode (9:28:10 AM): ahaha.... when I'm roasting, I'm
hyperactive... tend to want to go riding on my
bike or talking at 1Million miles/hr
JAMthecode (9:28:48 AM): so what's it like livin' in texas
anyway.... is it hard avoiding the death
thirstysg (9:29:08 AM): well, i worked a submit to your
journal on the subject. and i might add it was
the only two.
thirstysg (9:29:24 AM): only if you start killing people
thirstysg (9:29:30 AM): and it's hot
thirstysg (9:29:40 AM): and you have to fight off indians
JAMthecode (9:29:41 AM): hehe... or if you're black I hear
thirstysg (9:30:11 AM): whoa, don't turn this into a country
teasers record.
JAMthecode (9:30:36 AM): I wouldnt understand anyway...
I don't have racial problems....
thirstysg (9:30:49 AM): me neither. i just drive a truck.
JAMthecode (9:31:20 AM): hey! I looked up beasts of
bourbon and there were no results!
thirstysg (9:31:39 AM): outrageous
thirstysg (9:31:45 AM): no kim salmon
thirstysg (9:31:51 AM): no tex perkins?
thirstysg (9:32:07 AM): what kind of ass search engine are
you using/
thirstysg (9:32:08 AM): ?
JAMthecode (9:32:15 AM): ok wait..... tex perkins.... what
other band was he in???
JAMthecode (9:32:45 AM): the cruel sea?
thirstysg (9:32:59 AM): yup
JAMthecode (9:33:19 AM): oh..... I knew it.... you dont like
nick cave do you?
thirstysg (9:33:50 AM): who doesn't?
JAMthecode (9:33:55 AM): me
thirstysg (9:34:14 AM): ah, well, then
thirstysg (9:34:23 AM): this wont treat you too well....
JAMthecode (9:34:38 AM): tex is ok though.... it's a little old
thirstysg (9:34:38 AM):
thirstysg (9:34:55 AM): no lime spiders fan either?
JAMthecode (9:35:02 AM): I lost respect for nick when he
did the duet with kylie monogue
JAMthecode (9:35:15 AM): iggy pop/./ no way!
JAMthecode (9:35:36 AM): crazy mutherfucker... thats just
about hte whole group.... only person missing
is tom waits
thirstysg (9:36:13 AM): umm i said lime spiders.
thirstysg (9:36:17 AM): not the stooges
JAMthecode (9:36:31 AM): kim gordon is... what
JAMthecode (9:36:37 AM): whats that band?
thirstysg (9:36:44 AM): wow, you are really not with it
thirstysg (9:36:49 AM): sonic youth
JAMthecode (9:36:53 AM): oh yeah
thirstysg (9:36:55 AM): is this a tutorial?
JAMthecode (9:36:56 AM): thats right....
JAMthecode (9:37:12 AM): no.... this is drunken master the
thirstysg (9:37:35 AM): hopefully no. nine
thirstysg (9:37:40 AM): alright im out
JAMthecode (9:37:41 AM): well.... my tastes are
a little more diverse than the alternative
MAIN stream

JAMthecode (9:37:43 AM): hehe
JAMthecode (9:37:50 AM): j/k
thirstysg (9:37:51 AM): im gonna go enjoy my
super profundo day
JAMthecode (9:37:58 AM): go do it man!
JAMthecode (9:38:08 AM): nice chatting with
your old ass!
JAMthecode (9:38:14 AM): old school muther
thirstysg (9:38:19 AM): ya, beasts of bourbon
and the lime spiders are pretty much up there,
w/ britney
JAMthecode (9:38:25 AM): whwhaa!
thirstysg (9:38:42 AM): good luck in the aus
underground dog
thirstysg (9:38:46 AM): out
JAMthecode (9:38:48 AM): oh please..... just
finish the spliff and get the fuck outta here!
thirstysg (9:38:48 AM): !
JAMthecode (9:39:01 AM): enough!
We rollin' tuesday?
Come see FOS on saturday. I'll get you in and give you my drink tickets even!