i am so frustrated. i hate hearing constantly "its for the best" over and over. I know I know, but jee's people cmon its not easy to just sweep feelings under the rug. I am not trying to be outwardly angry at anyone. I am just expressing frustrations. everyone has been in these shoes. they know how it feels. its always a whole lot easier looking from the outside in. I read stuff and i only assume that it was put there because of something i said. I am going to stop doing that right now. I cant sit here and beat myself up over something that really may not have been me. If there was something there it really should have been said to me and not slapped with induendos. I feel angry, hurt, used and whatever else comes along. I removed a post earlier because reading back on it i realized that it may be taken the wrong way. I am not out to hurt anyone. I guess i should just watch what i say. this post may been taken the wrong way too. I feel lonely and the person i want to be there for me really cant due to current situations. i am trying to understand that.
you are so sweet