Well I haven't updated the blog in a while in a long time. I've been really busy since school ended, working full time. I'll update you on everything that's happened and is going to be happening very soon.
The first thing that I should tell you is that I'll be moving in with @vanissa and her family soon! It's been a long and hard journey to get here. There's been more than a few fights and arguments about it, and things surrounding this decision. But we've made it! I leave this Sunday to move in with her! I've been accepted to the university down there and I've already got a job all lined up. Sometimes when something's meant to be right things just work out to make it happen. And I definitely believe that this is meant to happen. š I have to thank @hellfyre420 for helping us work some things out. She talked some sense into both of us and helped us realize some things. I love @vanissa so much and I'm so happy and excited to start living our lives together!
In some sadder news, I've decided to leave SG. I'm making this decision for a few different reasons. Part of it is just purely financial, that I can save a few bucks since I'm not on the site a lot anymore. Some of it is due to old friends moving on. The site's not the same place as when I first started here. There was more interaction between members. More camaraderie between the members, hopefuls, and SGs active on the site. There used to be more spontaneity and creativity, outside of the sets and photos. But probably the biggest reason I'm leaving the site is because of the journey I've gone through because of it.
When I joined the site last June, I was a young man who was very, very lost. I had just graduated community college and had little idea of what I could go or do next. I was alone in the world, never having had a relationship, and not having very many friends of any kind. I came to this site looking for a lot of things. Friends. A community. Maybe even love. And I found all that. I made the kind of friends I never thought I would have, ones that would stick up for me and support me through everything. Friends I could have fun with and share my life with. And I found a community. A community that's accepting of me, and encouraged me to be myself. Even if it was different from the normal of the community. And I did find love. I found someone that makes me happier than I've ever been. Someone who loves me for who I am. Someone who will do anything for me. And I couldn't be happier or more excited because of that. So SG has already given me what I came looking for, and more than I could have ever imagined.
So I'll be leaving the site. But should you ever want to talk to me, I'll have my twitter account, so just shoot me a tweet. Thank you all for everything that all you have ever done for me.
It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to. - Bilbo Baggins, The Lord of the Rings