I am often surprised by how stupid people are in the comments to my stories, but today I am very, very surprised. It is like a long train of ignorance about how flu's take hold and spread in society.
Really, really dumb.
And all across the internet, I keep seeing people responding, "Yeah, just like SARS and the bird flu." Uh, okay, those are two completely different viruses, one of which cannot be passed from human to human, but sure.
The interesting thing about this type of flu is not what it is doing now, but what it has the potential to do. POTENTIAL. It is eerily similar to the 1918 flu, which had three waves. The first wave of the 1918 flu was mild. Later that year, it mutated and a second wave killed between 50 and 100 million people. Then a third wave came and it was, again, mild. Flu viruses mutate into several different strains and this one appears to have already mutated into a deadly strain, hence the concern.
Flu viruses are unpredictable, which is why WHO is so concerned. Right now we are in the gathering information part of this flu. So, what seems bad could be not, or it could be a lot worse. Today, the LA County coroner is checking out two possible deaths from the swine flu.
But the sheer ignorance of saying, "it's not happening" because in the past nothing has come of scares is shockingly stupid.
It would be like me saying there will never be a big earthquake because I only feel 3.0 and 4.0 earthquakes.
WHO is worried for a reason. No one is telling you to panic, only to stay aware of the situation. They basically want you to wash your fucking hands, which they over and over and over.
Really, really dumb.
And all across the internet, I keep seeing people responding, "Yeah, just like SARS and the bird flu." Uh, okay, those are two completely different viruses, one of which cannot be passed from human to human, but sure.
The interesting thing about this type of flu is not what it is doing now, but what it has the potential to do. POTENTIAL. It is eerily similar to the 1918 flu, which had three waves. The first wave of the 1918 flu was mild. Later that year, it mutated and a second wave killed between 50 and 100 million people. Then a third wave came and it was, again, mild. Flu viruses mutate into several different strains and this one appears to have already mutated into a deadly strain, hence the concern.
Flu viruses are unpredictable, which is why WHO is so concerned. Right now we are in the gathering information part of this flu. So, what seems bad could be not, or it could be a lot worse. Today, the LA County coroner is checking out two possible deaths from the swine flu.
But the sheer ignorance of saying, "it's not happening" because in the past nothing has come of scares is shockingly stupid.
It would be like me saying there will never be a big earthquake because I only feel 3.0 and 4.0 earthquakes.
WHO is worried for a reason. No one is telling you to panic, only to stay aware of the situation. They basically want you to wash your fucking hands, which they over and over and over.
listen, it probably started in some dirty mexican town anyways. its not that you're racist, it's just that they're poor and don't live in as clean of a society as your everyday american Joe. people who don't get that and scream racism should go blow out their a-holes
lemme tell ya i'm mexican, did not feel offended by your post, i felt offended by the misinformed replys of people who make all of us beaners look like shit,i certainly do not believe u're racist coz i myself mock stereotypes anyway kudos on the post and keep it up i enjoyed it very much xoxo