So, after this weekend of long drawn out drunken nights, which led into drunkin days, which led to less work than should have been done, taking alot longer than it should have taken, i have had an apiffany, or how ever the fuck you spell it. i have decided to clean up, get right, and go straight edge for a while!!!! No booze, no smokes, eating good, the whole nine. Just to see how it works and if i can do it. either way i coulld use to dry out for a few days no matter what. which means i will be spending alot more time on here with you guys. which i do not mind either. it's gonna be a long week and i am sure as it goes on it will get harder and harder to stay out of that bar. supposed to have some friends from GA comin down this weekend also, hopefully they help take my mind off it and not make me want it more. cross your fingers for me........
grats on the new kid on the way. closest i've got to a kid is my wee sis and she pisses the fuck outta me and won't take my advice. alas she is 13 and becoming a chavy wee bitch so what can ya do. so not wanting to try something different with a girl then?