Got new hardware yesterday, radeon 9550 256mb video card and another 512mb ram bringing me up to 1Gb, everything is running smoothly and looks really pretty
Currently Reading: The Great and Secret Show (again!) I Clive Barker, I need the new Abarat book.
Now Playing: Hey Bulldog - Firewater
...And I Do Hope You Stay!!
If You haven't already Taken a L'il Tour of The Apothecary, or even attempted to find somewhere to start...Thats COMPLETELY Understandable...As We are NOT your Typical Group, and We certainly Do NOT Do anything Conventional...Hence The reason FOR the group...We are A Bunch of Hardcore, Old Skool, Fed Up with Hollywood, CGI-Laden CRAP!!! No, This is NOT The 'Popular' Horror Group...This is the Horror Group For Those of us whom eat, Breathe, and LITERALLY Live Gore...Alot of members in the Biz themselves, Including Myself, and many other members who just can't exist without doing it for The Love Of ANYTHING Horror...
So, Having Said That, I Look Foward To Your Presence, and reccommend Reading The WELCOME page...It Has A few Things and A List Of Events and Special Rooms and whatnot...This is NOT your Typical Thread Group...This IS A Forum For The Freakishly Fright Fixin Addicts!!
Hoping To Also Get to Know you, As I ALWAYS Enjoy Meeting The New members personally, so That I Know just what You are Into, and How we can all make you feel Wickedly Welcome, and Make Sure This Pharmacy NEVER Runs Out Of Your Choice of Gore, and OH, SO much More...
OOogaBOOoga SS
(BTW: I used to request Friendships from All members upon them joining, to GREAT results, However, Now That I have A Fiendlist That I have To wonder where I met some of these folks...I only Offer It as A way to , like I said, Get to know you...I have decided that now, However, It is up to you...Its A Private, and Personal decision on how you run your Fiends List...But I WILL Not Turn You Down If Ya wanna chat sometime...and Hell...Who needs A Fiend List for THAT!)
Just shuffling around the site and saw your book list .... If you like that stuff check out Neal Stephenson ... particularly "Snow Crash" ... great cyberpunk type read.
Take care