Yep, ok people who say Bush and Kerry are the same: they basically are. There is one big difference though. Bush has the opportunity to appoint creepy far right judges to the Supreme Court (I believe there are...three? that will be retiring within the next four years). There are nine justices. Currently three are pro-choice, three are mixed, three anti-choice. Bush has made it very clear that he does not support a woman's right to choose. These appointments will affect you for the next thirty to forty years, so... have fun with that.
Feh. Here's some new interesting faces in the senate:
Jim DeMint: Thinks that unwed pregnant women and gays are unfit to be schoolteachers. South Carolina, wtf were you thinking?
Oh and Oklahoma, could you really not do better than Tom Coburn? He had a civil malpractice suit brought against him 14 years ago by a former female patient for sterilizing her without consent. Oh yeah, he also wants the death penalty for doctors who perform abortions.
And of course John Thune. He thinks kids should pray in school, because they can't do that at home or in church.
Four more years. Of the same. And then probably worse. Enjoy your record-breaking deficit, job outsourcing and job loss, international contempt and the steady march to the right.
For the rest of you who are as pissed as me, for the love of christ try to rely less on big corporations. They are the "people" who really run our countries. This can be really difficult, but every time you buy from small businesses, you are making a political statement. Take the bus, ride a bike, walk. You can even skip if you want. Even if you can't do that everyday because you city is layed out as shitty as mine, every little bit counts. And I'm a bit of a hypocrite here because I do have a car... but the lease is up at the end of next month and I'm not renewing (and I turn off my engine waiting for trains!
So in conclusion, I have no idea why I'm spouting this on SG of all places. Go look at some yummy girls.
The IAM server is being repaired and I miss it.
Feh. Here's some new interesting faces in the senate:
Jim DeMint: Thinks that unwed pregnant women and gays are unfit to be schoolteachers. South Carolina, wtf were you thinking?
Oh and Oklahoma, could you really not do better than Tom Coburn? He had a civil malpractice suit brought against him 14 years ago by a former female patient for sterilizing her without consent. Oh yeah, he also wants the death penalty for doctors who perform abortions.
And of course John Thune. He thinks kids should pray in school, because they can't do that at home or in church.
Four more years. Of the same. And then probably worse. Enjoy your record-breaking deficit, job outsourcing and job loss, international contempt and the steady march to the right.
For the rest of you who are as pissed as me, for the love of christ try to rely less on big corporations. They are the "people" who really run our countries. This can be really difficult, but every time you buy from small businesses, you are making a political statement. Take the bus, ride a bike, walk. You can even skip if you want. Even if you can't do that everyday because you city is layed out as shitty as mine, every little bit counts. And I'm a bit of a hypocrite here because I do have a car... but the lease is up at the end of next month and I'm not renewing (and I turn off my engine waiting for trains!

So in conclusion, I have no idea why I'm spouting this on SG of all places. Go look at some yummy girls.
The IAM server is being repaired and I miss it.

1) My reality exists in a separate sphere from American reality. I can not understand it, i can not relate to it in any form, or by any stretch of my imagination.
2) I fuckin love being a Canadian. while all that shit is happening down south, im going to enjoy my right to posess less than 15 grams of pot with no criminal charges, and im also going to enjoy the fact that if i wanted to marry a uber-hot yummy girl, that would also be my right as well. sure, there's a lot of shitty stuff still happening up here, but we are making huge steps in the correct direction.