I really hate it when people ask for feedback and when you give them some, they're all, "oh I meant to do that" or "I'm not interested in doing my navigation better because people can just hit the back button on their browser." Well of course they can do, the point is it's bad navigation if you don't give them at least a home button or some sort of back button. It's sloppy, and if you don't care about your users, they won't care about your site.
Of course, I also hate people that give advice and then get all huffy when you don't take it, so who I am really?
No one, that's who. But a no one that has some understanding of internet users. So, pbbbtttt!
This message was brought to you by a couple drinks of Glenfiddich.
Of course, I also hate people that give advice and then get all huffy when you don't take it, so who I am really?
No one, that's who. But a no one that has some understanding of internet users. So, pbbbtttt!
This message was brought to you by a couple drinks of Glenfiddich.
people often ask for advice when all they want is validation. They want to know that what they've done is right, rather than hear what they can do to improve. humans suck, neh?
derek is right. the majority of people who ask for feedback do not actually want constructive critisiism... they want to be told that "it's perfect just the way it is, oooooh". it's also hard for people to listen to feedback when it is of a creative nature... it takes some tie and practice to learn not to take it personally.