Hello Friends!! Today was a day of those spontaneous states have smoking friends in the cemetery .. Dark, strange feeling. visit a former jail after valparaiso, now a cultural heritage, with a strange energy. hahaha, it must also be blown up was ajajajaja .. I finally felt a little heavy animos ... Drinking coffee and eating cholate, love gave to our stomach, hahaha ... Times of abundance and freedom ... Times of Grief ... my dog a few days ago, called Chaplin, we collected from the streets with so much love, has died. I am very concerned, and I hope you're resting in dog heaven ... anyway. he was very sick ... how sad .... Well dear friends kisses, and good night!!
smoke delicious!!
smoke delicious!!
el otro da fui a via! porqu el caito es rojo?. lo lamento por tu perrito.. lo nico que quiero es tener mi depa propio (pronto se supone este mes)) para recoger un perrito de la calle!! estoy mega ansiosa ... Ojal nos veamos un da y fumemos algo am am
besos linda