Semi Finals first leg. FORZA ROMA!!
This past weekend I continued the Spring startup to my vegetable garden. I planted a variety of lettuce and arugula and two more hot peppers, Italian peperoncini and Serrano pepper. I also put in seed for dandelion greens, radishes, and beets. So now four of my six growing areas are planted. I have four varieties of heirloom tomatoes, four San Marzano tomatoes (for sauce), three...
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Semi Finals!! Bring on Liverpool!! Forza Roma!!
My garden is coming along. Heirloom tomatoes have been in the ground for two weeks now. They are growing well. The smaller tomatoes are San Marzano and I put them in last weekend. Yesterday I put in two hot Peruvian Rocotto peppers, Persian cucumbers, and green beans. Tomorrow lettuces, arugula and a couple more hot peppers (not sure which yet) go in the ground.
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I got a kick out of this so I thought I would share it with the SG Community.
I had a busy Saturday. Took my dog to the vet early then went grocery shopping. Went to a friends house for lunch and to watch a soccer match. Then I went and did some more cleanup and prep work on my community garden plot so it is ready to plant more veggies next week.
Finally, I came home and enjoyed a cocktail and a
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Tomato phase one in my community garden. Today I planted four different varieties of heirloom tomatoes. Next week I will plant San Marzano tomatoes that I process and can for sauce. Next week I’ll also put in a mix of different lettuces and arugula, some hot peppers and bell peppers. This year I’m also going to put in a bunch of perennial herbs such as
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I’m a pipe smoker. Learned it from my dad and even have a few of his pipes that are super old classics now. This one I’m smoking is one I bought in Budapest a few years ago.
About to dive into my newest book. Intriguing title and wanting to read about how to only worry about what matters and let the little shit go.