I am officially graduated and finally out of that place!
I think I should be more excited than I am, but I'm not. This last year there under the new director has been a grade-A pain in the ass. He took away our graduation ceremony, watered down our contest and open house, and started making rules just for the sake of making rules. But that's for other motherfuckers to deal with, I'm out bitches!
Oh, if you have ten minutes to spare I strongly suggest you watch this video, it's one of my favorites. It's the TOOL song "Lateralus" set to images from the Hubble telescope. If you can spare the time please watch because it explains and illustrates how they used the Fibonacci sequence to write this song:
aaand if you have ten more minutes to spare and can stand listening to somebody talk for that long this is a little insight on how TOOL writes:
Oh! and here is the double helix design for the new tattoo:

It's going to be different from the pic, straight instead of wavy, wrapping around the arm from elbow to wrist in blacks and grays. If all goes well it can be started tomorrow, if not then I have to wait till sone day during this week (poor me) I'm excited!!
(thank you to WehrleBoy for changing it from a bitmap so I could post it, I'm a computer [among other things] dumbass)
I think I should be more excited than I am, but I'm not. This last year there under the new director has been a grade-A pain in the ass. He took away our graduation ceremony, watered down our contest and open house, and started making rules just for the sake of making rules. But that's for other motherfuckers to deal with, I'm out bitches!
Oh, if you have ten minutes to spare I strongly suggest you watch this video, it's one of my favorites. It's the TOOL song "Lateralus" set to images from the Hubble telescope. If you can spare the time please watch because it explains and illustrates how they used the Fibonacci sequence to write this song:
aaand if you have ten more minutes to spare and can stand listening to somebody talk for that long this is a little insight on how TOOL writes:
Oh! and here is the double helix design for the new tattoo:

It's going to be different from the pic, straight instead of wavy, wrapping around the arm from elbow to wrist in blacks and grays. If all goes well it can be started tomorrow, if not then I have to wait till sone day during this week (poor me) I'm excited!!
(thank you to WehrleBoy for changing it from a bitmap so I could post it, I'm a computer [among other things] dumbass)
And coz I can