Well first off I'd like to say how proud of my family and union I am. Tell you why soon, now for some ranting about things that aren't important.
Did anyone catch that crazy Flyers/Penguins game last night???? Holy shit where do I begin... First off congratulations to both R. J. Umberger and Joffrey Lupul, both had hat tricks (three goals in a game) and Lupul had three assists and Umberger had 2 assists. Six and five point nights in an 8-2 victory for the Flyers. That being said, VS. network SUCKS! For a nationally credited broadcast team they should learn that you can't chit-chat about random shit in the middle of important plays. This isnt' baseball or football where you have time to do that, the VS. commentaters should learn to keep that shit for commercials and call the fucking game.
On the subject of the Penguins when is the league going to stop treating Sydney Crosby like he's the second coming? The man whines, cheap shots, and dives, but if you breathe on him you get two minutes in the penalty box. I mean he breaks a stick over Martin Biron's (the goalie for the Flyers) head and later blatantly trips him behind the net and no calls. Speaking of fucking with goalies (this is personal to me, as I am a goalie myself) who the hell said it was ok to do that?? George Laroque takes a baseball slide into Biron last night, he did get thrown out for that as there was no one near him to blame a trip or shove on, but still that's something you just dont' do. Never mess with goalies. The Pens accuse the Flyers of "running up the score" on them, well shit, I'd run it up on you too if you kept fucking with my goalie!
Anyway, enough hockey, sorry. Did you hear?? Paul Ruebens wants to make more Pee-Wee movies! And not like the two movies he made before, but like the show. (from what I understand) Exciting stuff. I for one would be very happy to see Chairry, Jiambi, and Cowboy Curtis on big screen. (Lawrence Fishbourne only please)
Ok! Back to the point. At this moment I am very proud of my family and local 845 carpenters for the annual Toys for Tots drive run by the local. Between my parents, brother, sister and myself we alone amassed five trash bags full of toys and coats. What really impressed me though was the local as a whole. A huge stage filled with toys, bycicles, and coats and that wasnt' even all of it, there was more in the back. I stopped counting bikes at 10 (I was getting pretty drunk at that point, if you can't tell by the ramblings) and there was more, I just didn't feel like counting anymore or someone caught my attention or something.
Thanks for reading!
Did anyone catch that crazy Flyers/Penguins game last night???? Holy shit where do I begin... First off congratulations to both R. J. Umberger and Joffrey Lupul, both had hat tricks (three goals in a game) and Lupul had three assists and Umberger had 2 assists. Six and five point nights in an 8-2 victory for the Flyers. That being said, VS. network SUCKS! For a nationally credited broadcast team they should learn that you can't chit-chat about random shit in the middle of important plays. This isnt' baseball or football where you have time to do that, the VS. commentaters should learn to keep that shit for commercials and call the fucking game.
On the subject of the Penguins when is the league going to stop treating Sydney Crosby like he's the second coming? The man whines, cheap shots, and dives, but if you breathe on him you get two minutes in the penalty box. I mean he breaks a stick over Martin Biron's (the goalie for the Flyers) head and later blatantly trips him behind the net and no calls. Speaking of fucking with goalies (this is personal to me, as I am a goalie myself) who the hell said it was ok to do that?? George Laroque takes a baseball slide into Biron last night, he did get thrown out for that as there was no one near him to blame a trip or shove on, but still that's something you just dont' do. Never mess with goalies. The Pens accuse the Flyers of "running up the score" on them, well shit, I'd run it up on you too if you kept fucking with my goalie!
Anyway, enough hockey, sorry. Did you hear?? Paul Ruebens wants to make more Pee-Wee movies! And not like the two movies he made before, but like the show. (from what I understand) Exciting stuff. I for one would be very happy to see Chairry, Jiambi, and Cowboy Curtis on big screen. (Lawrence Fishbourne only please)
Ok! Back to the point. At this moment I am very proud of my family and local 845 carpenters for the annual Toys for Tots drive run by the local. Between my parents, brother, sister and myself we alone amassed five trash bags full of toys and coats. What really impressed me though was the local as a whole. A huge stage filled with toys, bycicles, and coats and that wasnt' even all of it, there was more in the back. I stopped counting bikes at 10 (I was getting pretty drunk at that point, if you can't tell by the ramblings) and there was more, I just didn't feel like counting anymore or someone caught my attention or something.
Thanks for reading!