It started Friday night when my brother in law calls me and asks if I want to go to a Phantoms playoff game. I say yes of course because hey, playoff hockey!! Traffic to... Read More
I know I kinda made my own meaning for this song that is totally different than what Rush meant when they wrote it, but this speaks volumes to me. One of my all time favorite songs for a long time, and will remain so forever.
My goalie gear if anyone is interested in looking at it.
I really have nothing new, I rarely do, but just because I change music like I change underwear, here is FaithNoMore performing "We Care A Lot" and "Epic" at the Rock in Rio show circa 1991:
And because "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" won't fit on youtube in one vid, here is "Hallowed Be... Read More
damn! that guy is good. i used to live with a guy who would sit in his rooms doing that exact same thing.
and now a video for you cause we are so awesome and so is this song
This weekend was fun. A couple of my friends from Virginia came up along with one of their brothers and we all went to Lancaster, PA for what we call our "nerd convention".
We had a fun time playing games and being dorks, despite some tempers flaring on miscommunications, but all is well. (my one buddy and I are way too competetive sometimes)... Read More
We all knew she was a fighter, and she blew us all away...
But as of around 9:48PM on Tuesday February 19th, my grandmother has passed away.
We knew this was going to happen ever since that first night in the hospital, and I think it has softened the blow for everyone, but it by no means makes it easy. It happened after she kicked... Read More
So, she passes out today (she does this, it's not new) but this time, it's taking much much longer for her to regain conciousness. {My grandmother, if you're interested in what I'm talking about please read last post} After about an hour and a half she wakes up, very out of it. "Goodbye," she says "I'm going to heaven,... Read More
Hello people. Well, I got laid off from work last friday, and it sucks. It sucks because on top of not working, I get that feeling of worthlessness and lose the will to do pretty much anything. I get this void in me that can only be filled with stuff, but stuff costs money, and I have no job at the moment, which means... Read More
I almost got seriously injured today, twice! It was very exciting. First was at work. While stocking a floor of the building I'm working in through a hole in the floor (the elevator doesn't go that high yet) the guys above us, like 3-4 floors above us decide they want to be less carefull than tthey should... Read More
The Caps game? Nah, I was too busy being a bum. I heard Hextall had a surprise for the fans so I was all excited watching his speech.. but all he did was clank the pipes which was cool but expected. I was kinda hoping he would shoot the puck net to net or something. I love watching Ovechkin play though, he never dissappoints.
Hello! I must have a sign on me that says "Please cut in front of me in line, it's ok". I don't know if it's just rude people or just me (I tend to leave space in between myself and countertops and other people in line) but this happened two times today and once again on Thursday.
Anyways, speaking of Thursday it was the second... Read More
Hi all! Starting a new season tomorrow night, on a new team too! ... And I'm sick as a dog. Ever get so sensitive that it feels like your hair hurts? Yeah, it sucks but oh well. Another update after Team Shatner's first game tomorrow night!
I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized I wasn't the only chain smoking carnivore in the house.